rlberry-scool API¶
Main classe¶
Class to train, optimize hyperparameters, evaluate and gather statistics about an agent. |
Evaluation and plot¶
Evaluate and compare each of the agents in experiment_manager_list. |
Given a list of ExperimentManager or a folder, plot data (corresponding to info) obtained in each episode. |
Given a list of ExperimentManager or a folder, read data (corresponding to info) obtained in each episode. |
Compare several trained agents using the mean over n_simulations evaluations for each agent. |
Compare sequentially agents, with possible early stopping. |
Agents & Environments¶
Basic agents¶
A version of Least-Squares Value Iteration with UCB (LSVI-UCB), proposed by Jin et al. (2020). |
Q-Learning Agent. |
SARSA Agent. |
Basic environments¶
Simple GridWorld environment. |
Simple chain environment. |
Agent importation tools¶
Wraps an StableBaselines3 Algorithm with a rlberry Agent. |
Environment tools¶
Same as gym.make, but wraps the environment to ensure unified seeding with rlberry. |
Calls obj.reseed(seed_seq) method if available; If a obj.seed() method is available, call obj.seed(seed_val), where seed_val is generated by the seeder. |
Set seeds of external libraries. |
Environment Wrappers¶
Discretize an environment with continuous states and discrete actions. |
Rescale the reward function to a bounded range. |
Wrapper for environment to automatically record reward or action in writer. |