Source code for rlberry.manager.comparison

from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import tukey_hsd
import pandas as pd
import rlberry
from rlberry.manager import ExperimentManager
from rlberry.seeding import Seeder
import pathlib

from adastop import MultipleAgentsComparator

logger = rlberry.logger

[docs]class AdastopComparator(MultipleAgentsComparator): """ Compare sequentially agents, with possible early stopping. At maximum, there can be n times K fits done. See adastop library for more details ( Parameters ---------- n: int, or array of ints of size self.n_agents, default=5 If int, number of fits before each early stopping check. If array of int, a different number of fits is used for each agent. K: int, default=5 number of check. B: int, default=None Number of random permutations used to approximate permutation distribution. comparisons: list of tuple of indices or None if None, all the pairwise comparison are done. If = [(0,1), (0,2)] for instance, the compare only 0 vs 1 and 0 vs 2 alpha: float, default=0.01 level of the test beta: float, default=0 power spent in early accept. seed: int or None, default = None Attributes ---------- agent_names: list of str list of the agents' names. managers_paths: dictionary managers_paths[agent_name] is a list of the paths to the trained experiment managers. Can be loaded with ExperimentManager.load. decision: dict decision of the tests for each comparison, keys are the comparisons and values are in {"equal", "larger", "smaller"}. n_iters: dict number of iterations (i.e. number of fits) used for each agent. Keys are the agents' names and values are ints. """ def __init__( self, n=5, K=5, B=10000, comparisons=None, alpha=0.01, beta=0, seed=None, ): MultipleAgentsComparator.__init__(self, n, K, B, comparisons, alpha, beta, seed) self.managers_paths = {}
[docs] def compare(self, manager_list, n_evaluations=50, verbose=True): """ Run Adastop on the managers from manager_list Parameters ---------- manager_list: list of ExperimentManager kwargs List of manager containing agents we want to compare. n_evaluations: int, default = 50 number of evaluations used to estimate the score used for AdaStop. verbose: bool Print Steps. Returns ------- decisions: dictionary with comparisons as index and with values str in {"equal", "larger", "smaller", "continue"} Decision of the test at this step. """ eval_values = { ExperimentManager(**manager).agent_name: [] for manager in manager_list } self.managers_paths = { ExperimentManager(**manager).agent_name: [] for manager in manager_list } self.n_evaluations = n_evaluations seeder = Seeder(self.rng.randint(10000)) seeders = seeder.spawn(len(manager_list) * self.K + 1) self.rng = seeders[-1].rng for k in range(self.K): eval_values = self._fit_evaluate(manager_list, eval_values, seeders) self.partial_compare(eval_values, verbose=True) if self.is_finished: break"Test finished")"Results are ") print(self.get_results())
[docs] def print_results(self): """ Print the results of the test. """ print("Number of scores used for each agent:") for key in self.n_iters: print(key + ":" + str(self.n_iters[key])) print("") print("Mean of scores of each agent:") for key in self.eval_values: print(key + ":" + str(np.mean(self.eval_values[key]))) print("") print("Decision for each comparison:") for c in self.comparisons: print( "{0} vs {1}".format(self.agent_names[c[0]], self.agent_names[c[1]]) + ":" + str(self.decisions[str(c)]) )
def _fit_evaluate(self, managers, eval_values, seeders): """ fit rlberry agents. """ if isinstance(self.n, int): self.n = np.array([self.n] * len(managers)) for i, kwargs in enumerate(managers): kwargs["n_fit"] = self.n[i] managers_in = [] agent_names_in = [] for i in range(len(managers)): if (self.current_comparisons is None) or ( i in np.array(self.current_comparisons).ravel() ): manager_kwargs = managers[i] seeder = seeders[i] managers_in.append(ExperimentManager(**manager_kwargs, seed=seeder)) agent_names_in.append(managers_in[-1].agent_name) if self.agent_names is None: self.agent_names = agent_names_in if len(set(self.agent_names)) != len(self.agent_names): raise ValueError("Error: there must be different names for each agent.") # Fit all the agents managers_in = [_fit_agent(manager) for manager in managers_in] # Save the managers' save path for i in range(len(managers_in)): self.managers_paths[agent_names_in[i]] = managers_in[i].save() # Get the evaluations idz = 0 for i in range(len(managers_in)): eval_values[agent_names_in[i]] = np.hstack( [ eval_values[agent_names_in[i]], self._get_evals(managers_in[i], self.n[i]), ] ) return eval_values def _get_evals(self, manager, n): """ Can be overwritten for alternative evaluation function. """ eval_values = [] for idx in range(n):"Evaluating agent " + str(idx)) eval_values.append( np.mean(manager.eval_agents(self.n_evaluations, agent_id=idx)) ) return eval_values
def _fit_agent(manager): return manager # TODO : be able to compare agents from dataframes and from pickle files.
[docs]def compare_agents( agent_source, method="tukey_hsd", eval_function=None, n_simulations=50, alpha=0.05, B=10_000, seed=None, ): """ Compare several trained agents using the mean over n_simulations evaluations for each agent. Parameters ---------- agent_source : list of :class:`~rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager`, list of str - If list of ExperimentManager, load data from it (the agents must be fitted). - If str, each string must be the path of a agent_manager.obj. - If pandas DataFrame with column agent (containing agent's names) and mean_eval containing the scores, it is used as input data. method: str in {"tukey_hsd", "permutation"}, default="tukey_hsd" Method used in the test. "tukey_hsd" use scipy implementation [1] and "permutation" use permutation test with Step-Down method for multiple testing [2]. Tukey HSD method suppose Gaussian model on the aggregated evaluations and permutation test is non-parametric and does not make assumption on the distribution. permutation is the safe choice when the reward is likely to be heavy-tailed or multimodal. eval_function: callable or None, default = None Function used the evaluate the agents. lambda manager : ExperimentManager, eval_budget : int or None, agent_id: int -> eval:float If None, the mean of the eval function of the agent is used over n_simulations evaluations. n_simulations: int, default = 50 Number of evaluations to use if eval_function is None. alpha: float, default = 0.05 Level of the test, control the Family-wise error. B: int, default = 10_000 Number of random permutations used to approximate the permutation test if method = "permutation" seed: int or None, The seed of the random number generator from which we sample permutations. If None, create one. Returns ------- results: a DataFrame summarising the results. References ---------- [1]: [2]: Testing Statistical Hypotheses by E. L. Lehmann, Joseph P. Romano (Section 15.4.4),, Springer """ if isinstance(agent_source, list): # Construction of the array of evaluations df = pd.DataFrame() if isinstance(agent_source[0], str) or isinstance( agent_source[0], pathlib.PurePath ): agent_manager_list = [ExperimentManager(None) for _ in agent_source] for i, manager in enumerate(agent_manager_list): agent_manager_list[i] = manager.load(agent_source[i]) else: agent_manager_list = agent_source for manager in agent_manager_list: n_fit = len(manager.agent_handlers) for id_agent in range(n_fit): if eval_function is None: eval_values = manager.eval_agents(100, agent_id=id_agent) else: eval_values = eval_function( manager, eval_budget=n_simulations, agent_id=id_agent ) df = pd.concat( [ df, pd.DataFrame( { "mean_eval": [np.mean(eval_values)], "agent": [manager.agent_name], } ), ], ignore_index=True, ) agent_names = df["agent"].unique() assert len(agent_names) == len( agent_manager_list ), "Each agent must have unique name." else: df = agent_source agent_names = df["agent"].unique() data = np.array( [np.array(df.loc[df["agent"] == name, "mean_eval"]) for name in agent_names] ) n_agents = len(agent_names) vs = [ (agent_names[i], agent_names[j]) for i in range(n_agents) for j in range(n_agents) if i < j ] mean_agent1 = [ np.mean(df.loc[df["agent"] == vs[i][0], "mean_eval"]) for i in range(len(vs)) ] mean_agent2 = [ np.mean(df.loc[df["agent"] == vs[i][1], "mean_eval"]) for i in range(len(vs)) ] mean_diff = [ np.mean( np.array(df.loc[df["agent"] == vs[i][0], "mean_eval"]) - np.array(df.loc[df["agent"] == vs[i][1], "mean_eval"]) ) for i in range(len(vs)) ] std_diff = [ np.std( np.array(df.loc[df["agent"] == vs[i][0], "mean_eval"]) - np.array(df.loc[df["agent"] == vs[i][1], "mean_eval"]) ) for i in range(len(vs)) ] # Use a multiple test to compare the agents if method == "tukey_hsd": results_pval = tukey_hsd(*tuple(data)).pvalue p_vals = [ results_pval[i][j] for i in range(n_agents) for j in range(n_agents) if i < j ] significance = [ sig_p_value(results_pval[i][j]) for i in range(n_agents) for j in range(n_agents) if i < j ] decisions = ["accept" if p_val >= alpha else "reject" for p_val in p_vals] results = pd.DataFrame( { "Agent1 vs Agent2": [ "{0} vs {1}".format(vs[i][0], vs[i][1]) for i in range(len(vs)) ], "mean Agent1": mean_agent1, "mean Agent2": mean_agent2, "mean diff": mean_diff, "std diff": std_diff, "decisions": decisions, "p-val": p_vals, "significance": significance, } ) elif method == "permutation": results_perm = _permutation_test(data, B, alpha, seed) == 1 decisions = [ "accept" if results_perm[i][j] else "reject" for i in range(n_agents) for j in range(n_agents) if i < j ] results = pd.DataFrame( { "Agent1 vs Agent2": [ "{0} vs {1}".format(vs[i][0], vs[i][1]) for i in range(len(vs)) ], "mean Agent1": mean_agent1, "mean Agent2": mean_agent2, "mean diff": mean_diff, "std diff": std_diff, "decisions": decisions, } ) else: raise NotImplemented(f"method {method} not implemented") return results
def _permutation_test(data, B, alpha, seed): """ Permutation test with Step-Down method """ n_fit = len(data[0]) n_agents = len(data) # We do all the pairwise comparisons. comparisons = np.array( [(i, j) for i in range(n_agents) for j in range(n_agents) if i < j] ) decisions = np.array(["accept" for i in range(len(comparisons))]) comparisons_alive = np.arange(len(comparisons)) seeder = Seeder(seed)"Beginning permutationt test") while True: current_comparisons = comparisons[comparisons_alive]"Still {len(current_comparisons)} comparisons to test") # make a generator of permutations if B is None: permutations = combinations(2 * n_fit, n_fit) else: permutations = (seeder.rng.permutation(2 * n_fit) for _ in range(B)) # Test statistics T0_max = 0 for id_comp, (i, j) in enumerate(current_comparisons): Z = np.hstack([data[i], data[j]]) T = np.abs(np.mean(Z[:n_fit]) - np.mean(Z[n_fit : (2 * n_fit)])) if T > T0_max: T0_max = T id_comp_max = comparisons_alive[id_comp] # Permutation distribution of Tmax Tmax_values = [] for perm in permutations: Tmax = 0 for id_comp, (i, j) in enumerate(current_comparisons): Z = np.hstack([data[i], data[j]]) Z = Z[perm] T = np.abs(np.mean(Z[:n_fit]) - np.mean(Z[n_fit : (2 * n_fit)])) if T > Tmax: Tmax = T Tmax_values.append(Tmax) Tmax_values = np.sort(Tmax_values) icumulative_probas = ( np.arange(len(Tmax_values))[::-1] / B ) # This corresponds to 1 - F(t) = P(T > t) admissible_values = Tmax_values[ icumulative_probas <= alpha ] # acceptance region if len(admissible_values) > 0: threshold = np.min(admissible_values) else: raise ValueError( f"There is not enough fits, the comparisons cannot be done with the precision {alpha}" ) if T0_max > threshold: assert decisions[id_comp_max] == "accept" decisions[id_comp_max] = "reject" comparisons_alive = np.arange(len(comparisons))[decisions == "accept"] else: break if len(comparisons_alive) == 0: break # make a result array with 1 if accept and 0 if reject. results = np.zeros([n_agents, n_agents]) for id_comp in range(len(comparisons)): if decisions[id_comp] == "reject": i, j = comparisons[id_comp] results[i, j] = 0 else: i, j = comparisons[id_comp] results[i, j] = 1 results = results + results.T + np.eye(n_agents) return results def sig_p_value(p): if p < 0.001: return "***" elif p < 0.01: return "**" elif p <= 0.05: return "*" else: return ""