Source code for rlberry.manager.evaluation

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import pickle
import bz2
import _pickle as cPickle
import dill

from rlberry.manager import ExperimentManager
import rlberry

logger = rlberry.logger

[docs]def evaluate_agents( experiment_manager_list, n_simulations=5, choose_random_agents=True, fignum=None, show=True, plot=True, ): """ Evaluate and compare each of the agents in experiment_manager_list. Parameters ---------- experiment_manager_list : list of ExperimentManager objects. n_simulations: int Number of calls to the eval() method of each ExperimentManager instance. choose_random_agents: bool If true and n_fit>1, use a random fitted agent from each ExperimentManager at each evaluation. Otherwise, each fitted agent of each ExperimentManager is evaluated n_simulations times. fignum: string or int Identifier of plot figure. show: bool If true, calls plot: bool If false, do not plot. Returns ------- dataframe with the evaluation results. Examples -------- >>> from rlberry.agents.torch import A2CAgent, DQNAgent >>> from rlberry.manager import ExperimentManager, evaluate_agents >>> from rlberry.envs import gym_make >>> >>> if __name__=="__main__": >>> managers = [ ExperimentManager( >>> agent_class, >>> (gym_make, dict(id="CartPole-v1")), >>> fit_budget=1e4, >>> eval_kwargs=dict(eval_horizon=500), >>> n_fit=1, >>> parallelization="process", >>> mp_context="spawn", >>> seed=42, >>> ) for agent_class in [A2CAgent, DQNAgent]] >>> for manager in managers: >>> >>> data = evaluate_agents(managers, n_simulations=50, plot=False) """ # # evaluation # eval_outputs = [] for experiment_manager in experiment_manager_list:"Evaluating {experiment_manager.agent_name}...") if choose_random_agents: outputs = experiment_manager.eval_agents(n_simulations) else: outputs = [] for idx in range(len(experiment_manager.agent_handlers)): outputs += list( experiment_manager.eval_agents(n_simulations, agent_id=idx) ) if len(outputs) > 0: eval_outputs.append(outputs) if len(eval_outputs) == 0: logger.error( "[evaluate_agents]: No evaluation data. Make sure has been called." ) return # # plot # # build unique agent IDs (in case there are two agents with the same ID) unique_ids = [] id_count = {} for experiment_manager in experiment_manager_list: name = experiment_manager.agent_name if name not in id_count: id_count[name] = 1 else: id_count[name] += 1 unique_ids.append(name + "*" * (id_count[name] - 1)) # convert output to DataFrame data = {} for agent_id, out in zip(unique_ids, eval_outputs): data[agent_id] = out output = pd.DataFrame(data) # plot if plot: plt.figure(fignum) plt.boxplot(output.values, labels=output.columns) plt.xlabel("agent") plt.ylabel("evaluation output") if show: return output
[docs]def read_writer_data(data_source, tag=None, preprocess_func=None, id_agent=None): """ Given a list of ExperimentManager or a folder, read data (corresponding to info) obtained in each episode. The dictionary returned by agents' .fit() method must contain a key equal to `info`. Parameters ---------- data_source : :class:`~rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager`, or list of :class:`~rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager` or str or list of str - If ExperimentManager or list of ExperimentManager, load data from it (the agents must be fitted). - If str, the string must be the string path of a directory, each subdirectory of this directory must contain pickle files. Load the data from the directory of the latest experiment in date. This str should be equal to the value of the `output_dir` parameter in :class:`~rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager`. - If list of str, each string must be a directory containing pickle files. Load the data from these pickle files. Note: the agent's save function must save its writer at the key `_writer`. This is the default for rlberry agents. tag : str or list of str or None Tag of data that we want to preprocess. preprocess_func: Callable or None or list of Callable or None Function to apply to 'tag' column before returning data. For instance, if tag=episode_rewards,setting preprocess_func=np.cumsum will return cumulative rewards If None, do not preprocess. If tag is a list, preprocess_func must be None or a list of Callable or None that matches the length of tag. id_agent: int or None, default=None If not None, returns the data only for agent 'id_agent'. Returns ------- Pandas DataFrame with data from writers. Examples -------- >>> from rlberry.agents.torch import A2CAgent, DQNAgent >>> from rlberry.manager import ExperimentManager, read_writer_data >>> from rlberry.envs import gym_make >>> >>> if __name__=="__main__": >>> managers = [ ExperimentManager( >>> agent_class, >>> (gym_make, dict(id="CartPole-v1")), >>> fit_budget=1e4, >>> eval_kwargs=dict(eval_horizon=500), >>> n_fit=1, >>> parallelization="process", >>> mp_context="spawn", >>> seed=42, >>> ) for agent_class in [A2CAgent, DQNAgent]] >>> for manager in managers: >>> >>> data = read_writer_data(managers) """ input_dir = None if not isinstance(data_source, list): if isinstance(data_source, ExperimentManager): data_source = [data_source] else: take_last_date = True else: if not isinstance(data_source[0], ExperimentManager): take_last_date = False for dir in data_source: files = list(Path(dir).iterdir()) if len(files) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "One of the files in data_source does not contain pickle files" ) if isinstance(data_source[0], ExperimentManager): experiment_manager_list = data_source else: input_dir = data_source if isinstance(tag, str): tags = [tag] preprocess_funcs = [preprocess_func or (lambda x: x)] elif tag is not None: tags = tag if preprocess_func is None: preprocess_funcs = [lambda x: x for _ in range(len(tags))] else: assert len(preprocess_func) == len(tags) preprocess_funcs = preprocess_func writer_datas = [] if input_dir is not None: if take_last_date: subdirs = list((Path(input_dir) / "manager_data").iterdir()) agent_name_list = [str(p.stem).split("_")[0] for p in subdirs] for name in agent_name_list: filename, dir_name = _get_last_xp(input_dir, name) writer_datas.append(_load_data(filename, dir_name, id_agent)) else: agent_name_list = [str(Path(p).stem).split("_")[0] for p in input_dir] agent_dirs = [str(Path(p).parent).split("_")[0] for p in input_dir] for id_f, filename in enumerate(input_dir): writer_datas.append(_load_data(filename, agent_dirs[id_f], id_agent)) else: for manager in experiment_manager_list: # Important: since manager can be a RemoteExperimentManager, # it is important to avoid repeated accesses to its methods and properties. # That is why writer_data is taken from the manager instance only in # the line below. writer_datas.append(manager.get_writer_data()) agent_name_list = [manager.agent_name for manager in experiment_manager_list] # preprocess agent stats data_list = [] for id_agent, agent_name in enumerate(agent_name_list): writer_data = writer_datas[id_agent] if writer_data is not None: for idx in writer_data: if tag is None: tags = list(writer_data[idx]["tag"].unique()) preprocess_funcs = [lambda x: x for _ in range(len(tags))] for id_tag, tag in enumerate(tags): df = writer_data[idx] processed_df = pd.DataFrame(df[df["tag"] == tag]) processed_df["value"] = preprocess_funcs[id_tag]( processed_df["value"].values ) # update name according to ExperimentManager name and # n_simulation processed_df["name"] = agent_name processed_df["n_simu"] = idx if len(df[df["tag"] != tag]) > 0: processed_df = pd.concat( [processed_df, df[df["tag"] != tag]], ignore_index=True ) # add column data_list.append(processed_df) all_writer_data = pd.concat(data_list, ignore_index=True) return all_writer_data
def _get_last_xp(input_dir, name): dir_name = Path(input_dir) / "manager_data" # list all of the experiments for this particular agent agent_xp = list(dir_name.glob(name + "*")) # get the times at which the experiment have been made times = [str(p).split("_")[-2] for p in agent_xp] days = [str(p).split("_")[-3] for p in agent_xp] hashs = [str(p).split("_")[-1] for p in agent_xp] datetimes = [ datetime.strptime(days[i] + "_" + times[i], "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") for i in range(len(days)) ] if len(datetimes) == 0: raise ValueError( "input dir not found, verify that the agent are trained " 'and that ExperimentManager.outdir_id_style="timestamp"' ) # get the date of last experiment max_date = np.max(datetimes) id_max = np.argmax(datetimes) hash = hashs[id_max] agent_folder = ( name + "_" + datetime.strftime(max_date, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + "_" + hash ) return agent_folder, dir_name def is_bz_file(filepath): with open(filepath, "rb") as test_f: return == b"BZ" def _load_data(agent_folder, dir_name, id_agent): writer_data = {} agent_dir = Path(dir_name) / agent_folder # list all the fits of this experiment exp_files = (agent_dir / Path("agent_handlers")).iterdir() nfit = len( [1 for a_ in [str(e).split(".") for e in exp_files] if a_[-1] == "pickle"] ) # nfit = len(list(exp_files)) if nfit == 0: raise ValueError("Folders do not contain pickle files") if id_agent is not None: id_fits = [id_agent] else: id_fits = range(nfit) for ii in id_fits: # For each fit, load the writer data handler_name = agent_dir / Path(f"agent_handlers/idx_{ii}.pickle") try: if is_bz_file(handler_name): with bz2.BZ2File(handler_name, "rb") as ff: tmp_dict = cPickle.load(ff) else: with"rb") as ff: tmp_dict = pickle.load(ff) except Exception: if not is_bz_file(handler_name): with"rb") as ff: tmp_dict = dill.load(ff) else: with bz2.BZ2File(handler_name, "rb") as ff: tmp_dict = dill.load(ff) writer_data[str(ii)] = tmp_dict.get("_writer").data return writer_data