Source code for rlberry.manager.experiment_manager

import concurrent.futures
from copy import deepcopy
import os
from pathlib import Path
import cProfile, pstats
from pstats import SortKey
import functools
import json
import logging
import dill
import gc
import pickle
import bz2
import _pickle as cPickle
import shutil
import threading
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.spawn import _check_not_importing_main
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import rlberry
from rlberry.seeding import safe_reseed, set_external_seed
from rlberry.seeding import Seeder
from rlberry import metadata_utils
from rlberry.envs.utils import process_env
from rlberry.utils.logging import configure_logging
from rlberry.utils.writers import DefaultWriter
from rlberry.manager.utils import create_database
from rlberry import types

    import optuna
except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
    _OPTUNA_INSTALLED = False  # pragma: no cover

logger = rlberry.logger

# Aux

class AgentHandler:
    Wraps an Agent so that it can be either loaded in memory
    or represented by a file storing the Agent data.
    It is used by `class`:~rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager` to handle the fact that
    not all agents can be pickled, when returning from the processes that
    train the agents.

    id: int
        Integer identifying the handler.
    filename: str or Path
        File where to save/load the agent instance
    seeder: :class:`~rlberry.seeding.seeder.Seeder`
        Required for reseeding.
        Class of the agent to be wrapped
        An instance of agent_class, or None (if not loaded).
    agent_kwargs: dict
        Arguments required by __init__ method of agent_class.

    def __init__(
        id: int,
        filename: Union[str, Path],
        seeder: Seeder,
    ) -> None:
        self._id = id
        self._fname = Path(filename)
        self._seeder = seeder
        self._agent_class = agent_class
        self._agent_instance = agent_instance
        self._agent_kwargs = agent_kwargs or {}

    def id(self):
        """AgentHandler identifier (int)."""
        return self._id

    def set_instance(self, agent_instance):
        self._agent_instance = agent_instance

    def get_instance(self):
        if not self.is_loaded():
        return self._agent_instance

    def is_empty(self):
        return self._agent_instance is None and (not self._fname.exists())

    def is_loaded(self):
        return self._agent_instance is not None

    def load(self) -> bool:
        """Load agent from file."""
            self._agent_instance = self._agent_class.load(
                self._fname, **self._agent_kwargs
            safe_reseed(self._agent_instance.env, self._seeder)
            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self._agent_instance = None
                f"Failed call to AgentHandler.load() for {self._agent_class}: {ex}"
            return False

    def dump(self):
        """Saves agent to file and remove it from memory."""
        if self._agent_instance is not None:
            saved_filename =

            # saved_filename might have appended the correct extension, for instance,
            # so self._fname must be updated.
            if not saved_filename:
                    f"Instance of {self._agent_class} cannot be saved and will be kept in memory."

            self._fname = Path(saved_filename)

            del self._agent_instance
            self._agent_instance = None

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        """Allows AgentHandler to behave like the handled Agent."""
        if attr[:2] == "__":
            raise AttributeError(attr)
        if attr in self.__dict__:
            return getattr(self, attr)

        assert (
            not self.is_empty()
        ), "Calling AgentHandler with no agent instance stored."
        if not self.is_loaded():
            loaded = self.load()
            if not loaded:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Could not load Agent from {self._fname}.")
        return getattr(self._agent_instance, attr)

# Main class

[docs]class ExperimentManager: """ Class to train, optimize hyperparameters, evaluate and gather statistics about an agent. Notes ----- If parallelization="process" and mp_context="spawn" or mp_context="forkserver", make sure your main code has a guard `if __name__ == '__main__'`. See Parameters ---------- agent_class Class of the agent. train_env : tuple (constructor, kwargs) Enviroment used to initialize/train the agent. fit_budget : int Budget used to call :meth:``. If None, must be given in ``fit_kwargs['fit_budget']``. eval_env : Tuple (constructor, kwargs) Environment used to evaluate the agent. If None, set to ``train_env``. init_kwargs : dict Arguments required by the agent's constructor. Shared across all n_fit instances. fit_kwargs : dict Extra arguments to call :meth:``. eval_kwargs : dict Arguments required to call :meth:`rlberry.agents.agent.Agent.eval`. if eval was not overwrited it's (:class:`~rlberry.agents.AgentWithSimplePolicy`) : eval_horizon : int, default: 10**5 Horizon, maximum episode length. n_simulations : int, default: 10 Number of Monte Carlo simulations. gamma : double, default: 1.0 Discount factor. agent_name : str Name of the agent. If None, set to n_fit : int Number of agent instances to fit. output_dir : str or :class:`pathlib.Path` Directory where to store data. parallelization: {'thread', 'process'}, default: 'thread' Whether to parallelize agent training using threads or processes. max_workers: None or int, default: None Number of processes/threads used in a call to fit(). If None and parallelization='process', it will default to the number of processors on the machine. If None and parallelization='thread', it will default to the number of processors on the machine, multiplied by 5. mp_context: {'spawn', 'fork', 'forkserver}, default: 'spawn'. Context for python multiprocessing module. Warning: If you're using JAX or PyTorch, it only works with 'spawn'. If running code on a notebook or interpreter, use 'fork'. forkserver and fork are available on Unix OS only. worker_logging_level : str, default: None Logging level in each of the threads/processes used to fit agents. If None, use default logger level. seed : :class:`numpy.random.SeedSequence`, :class:`~rlberry.seeding.seeder.Seeder` or int, default : None Seed sequence from which to spawn the random number generator. If None, generate random seed. If int, use as entropy for SeedSequence. If seeder, use seeder.seed_seq enable_tensorboard : bool, default : False If True, enable tensorboard logging in Agent's :class:`~rlberry.utils.writers.DefaultWriter`. outdir_id_style: {None, 'unique', 'timestamp'}, default = 'timestamp' If None, data is saved to output_dir/manager_data If 'unique', data is saved to ``output_dir/manager_data/<AGENT_NAME_UNIQUE_ID>`` If 'timestamp', data is saved to ``output_dir/manager_data/<AGENT_NAME_TIMESTAMP_SHORT_ID>`` default_writer_kwargs : dict Optional arguments for :class:`~rlberry.utils.writers.DefaultWriter`. Typically one may want to change the log style with default_writer_kwargs set to {"style_log":"progressbar"} or {"style_log":"one_line"} init_kwargs_per_instance : List[dict] (optional) List of length ``n_fit`` containing the params to initialize each of the ``n_fit`` agent instances. It can be useful if different instances require different parameters. If the same parameter is defined by ``init_kwargs`` and ``init_kwargs_per_instance``, the value given by ``init_kwargs_per_instance`` will be used. Attention: parameters that are passed individually to each agent instance cannot be optimized in the method optimize_hyperparams(). thread_shared_data : dict, optional Data to be shared among agent instances in different threads. If parallelization='process', data will be copied instead of shared. Attributes ---------- output_dir : :class:`pathlib.Path` Directory where the manager saves data. rlberry_version: str Current version of rlberry. This is saved when calling and it is then used in load() to warn if the version of the agent is not a match with current rlberry version. Examples -------- >>> from rlberry.agents.torch import A2CAgent >>> from rlberry.envs import gym_make >>> from rlberry.manager import ExperimentManager >>> manager = ExperimentManager( >>> A2CAgent, >>> (env_ctor, env_kwargs), >>> fit_budget=100, >>> eval_kwargs=dict(eval_horizon=500) >>> n_fit=1, >>> parallelization="spawn" >>> ) >>> if __name__ == '__main__': >>> """ def __init__( self, agent_class, train_env=(None, None), fit_budget=None, eval_env=None, init_kwargs=None, fit_kwargs=None, eval_kwargs=None, agent_name=None, n_fit=4, output_dir=None, parallelization="thread", max_workers=None, mp_context="spawn", worker_logging_level=None, seed=None, enable_tensorboard=False, outdir_id_style="timestamp", default_writer_kwargs=None, init_kwargs_per_instance=None, thread_shared_data=None, ): # agent_class should only be None when the constructor is called # by the class method ExperimentManager.load(), since the agent class # will be loaded. if agent_class is None: return None # Must only happen when load() method is called. self.seeder = Seeder(seed) self.eval_seeder = self.seeder.spawn(1) self.agent_name = agent_name if agent_name is None: self.agent_name = # Check train_env and eval_env assert isinstance( train_env, Tuple ), "[ExperimentManager]train_env must be Tuple (constructor, kwargs)" if eval_env is not None: assert isinstance( eval_env, Tuple ), "[ExperimentManager]train_env must be Tuple (constructor, kwargs)" # check options assert outdir_id_style in [None, "unique", "timestamp"] # create oject identifier self.unique_id = metadata_utils.get_unique_id(self) self.timestamp_id = metadata_utils.get_readable_id(self) # Agent class self.agent_class = agent_class # Train env self.train_env = train_env # Check eval_env if eval_env is None: eval_env = deepcopy(train_env) self._eval_env = eval_env # shared data self.thread_shared_data = thread_shared_data # do not deepcopy for sharing! if parallelization != "thread" and thread_shared_data is not None: logger.warning( f"Using thread_shared_data and parallelization = {parallelization}" " in ExperimentManager does *not* share data among Agent instances!" " Each process will have its copy of thread_shared_data." ) # check kwargs fit_kwargs = fit_kwargs or {} eval_kwargs = eval_kwargs or {} # params base_init_kwargs = init_kwargs or {} self._base_init_kwargs = deepcopy(base_init_kwargs) self.fit_kwargs = deepcopy(fit_kwargs) self.eval_kwargs = deepcopy(eval_kwargs) self.n_fit = n_fit self.parallelization = parallelization self.max_workers = max_workers self.mp_context = mp_context self.worker_logging_level = worker_logging_level or logging.getLevelName( logger.getEffectiveLevel() ) self.output_dir = output_dir if fit_budget is not None: self.fit_budget = fit_budget else: try: self.fit_budget = self.fit_kwargs.pop("fit_budget") except KeyError: raise ValueError( "[ExperimentManager] fit_budget missing in __init__()." ) # extra params per instance if init_kwargs_per_instance is not None: assert len(init_kwargs_per_instance) == n_fit init_kwargs_per_instance = deepcopy(init_kwargs_per_instance) self.init_kwargs_per_instance = init_kwargs_per_instance or [ dict() for _ in range(n_fit) ] # output dir if output_dir is None: output_dir_ = metadata_utils.RLBERRY_TEMP_DATA_DIR else: output_dir_ = output_dir self.output_dir_ = Path(output_dir_) / "manager_data" if outdir_id_style == "unique": self.output_dir_ = self.output_dir_ / ( self.agent_name + "_" + self.unique_id ) elif outdir_id_style == "timestamp": self.output_dir_ = self.output_dir_ / ( self.agent_name + "_" + self.timestamp_id ) if os.path.exists(self.output_dir_): logger.warning( "This output directory already exists, the save may overwrite the previous Experiment." ) # Create list of writers for each agent that will be trained # 'default' will keep Agent's use of DefaultWriter. self.writers = [("default", None) for _ in range(n_fit)] # Parameters to setup Agent's DefaultWriter self.agent_default_writer_kwargs = [ dict( name=self.agent_name, log_interval=3, tensorboard_kwargs=None, execution_metadata=metadata_utils.ExecutionMetadata(obj_worker_id=idx), ) for idx in range(n_fit) ] self.tensorboard_dir = None if enable_tensorboard: self.tensorboard_dir = self.output_dir_ / "tensorboard" for idx, params in enumerate(self.agent_default_writer_kwargs): params["tensorboard_kwargs"] = dict( log_dir=self.tensorboard_dir / str(idx) ) # Update DefaultWriter according to user's settings. default_writer_kwargs = default_writer_kwargs or {} # if default_writer_kwargs: # logger.warning( # "(Re)defining the following DefaultWriter" # f" parameters in ExperimentManager: {list(default_writer_kwargs.keys())}" # ) for ii in range(n_fit): self.agent_default_writer_kwargs[ii].update(default_writer_kwargs) # agent handlers and init kwargs self._set_init_kwargs() # init_kwargs for each agent self.agent_handlers = None self._reset_agent_handlers() self.default_writer_data = None self.best_hyperparams = None # optuna study and database self.optuna_study = None self.db_filename = None self.optuna_storage_url = None # rlberry version for reproducibility purpose self.rlberry_version = rlberry.__version__ def _init_optuna_storage_url(self): self.output_dir_.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.db_filename = self.output_dir_ / "optuna_data.db" if create_database(self.db_filename): self.optuna_storage_url = f"sqlite:///{self.db_filename}" else: self.db_filename = None self.optuna_storage_url = "sqlite:///:memory:" logger.warning( f"Unable to create databate {self.db_filename}. Using sqlite:///:memory:" ) def _set_init_kwargs(self): init_seeders = self.seeder.spawn(self.n_fit, squeeze=False) self.init_kwargs = [] for ii in range(self.n_fit): # deepcopy base_init_kwargs kwargs_ii = deepcopy(self._base_init_kwargs) # include shared data, without deep copy! kwargs_ii["_thread_shared_data"] = self.thread_shared_data kwargs_ii.update( dict( env=self.train_env, eval_env=self._eval_env, copy_env=False, seeder=init_seeders[ii], output_dir=Path(self.output_dir_) / f"output_{ii}", _execution_metadata=self.agent_default_writer_kwargs[ii][ "execution_metadata" ], _default_writer_kwargs=self.agent_default_writer_kwargs[ii], ) ) per_instance_kwargs = self.init_kwargs_per_instance[ii] kwargs_ii.update(per_instance_kwargs) self.init_kwargs.append(kwargs_ii) def _reset_agent_handlers(self): handlers_seeders = self.seeder.spawn(self.n_fit, squeeze=False) self.agent_handlers = [ AgentHandler( id=ii, filename=self.output_dir_ / Path(f"agent_handlers/idx_{ii}"), seeder=handlers_seeders[ii], agent_class=self.agent_class, agent_instance=None, # kwargs agent_kwargs=self.init_kwargs[ii], ) for ii in range(self.n_fit) ] self.clear_handlers()
[docs] def build_eval_env(self) -> types.Env: """Return an instantiated and reseeded evaluation environment. Returns ------- :class:`types.Env` Instance of evaluation environment. """ return process_env(self._eval_env, self.seeder)
[docs] def get_writer_data(self): """Return a dataframe containing data from the writer of the agents. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Data from the agents' writers. """ return self.default_writer_data
[docs] def get_agent_instances(self): """Returns a list containing ``n_fit`` agent instances. Returns ------- list of :class:`~rlberry.agents.agent.Agent` ``n_fit`` instances of the managed agents. """ if self.agent_handlers: return [ agent_handler.get_instance() for agent_handler in self.agent_handlers ] return []
[docs] def eval_agents( self, n_simulations: Optional[int] = None, eval_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, agent_id: Optional[int] = None, verbose: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> List[float]: """ Evaluate managed agents using their 'eval' method and return a list with the results. Parameters ---------- n_simulations : int, optional The total number of agent evaluations ('eval' calls) to perform. If None, set to 2*(number of agents). eval_kwargs : dict, optional A dictionary containing arguments to be passed to the 'eval' method of each trained instance. If None, the default set of evaluation arguments will be used (self.eval_kwargs). eval_horizon : int, default: 10**5 Horizon, maximum episode length. n_simulations : int, default: 10 Number of Monte Carlo simulations. gamma : double, default: 1.0 Discount factor. agent_id: int, optional The index of the agent to be evaluated. If None, an agent will be chosen randomly for evaluation. verbose: bool, optional Determines whether to print a progress report during the evaluation. Returns ------- list of float A list of length 'n_simulations', containing the evaluation results obtained from each call to the :meth:`~rlberry.agents.agent.Agent.eval` method. Notes ----- This method facilitates the evaluation of multiple managed agents by calling their 'eval' method with the specified evaluation parameters. The 'n_simulations' parameter specifies the total number of evaluations to perform. Each evaluation will be conducted on one of the managed agents. The 'eval_kwargs' parameter allows you to customize the evaluation by passing specific arguments to the 'eval' method of each agent. If not provided, the default evaluation arguments (self.eval_kwargs) will be used. The 'agent_id' parameter is used to specify a particular agent for evaluation. If None, an agent will be chosen randomly for evaluation. The 'verbose' parameter determines whether a progress report will be printed during the evaluation process. Examples -------- >>> from rlberry.agents import ExperimentManager >>> eval_kwargs = { 'horizon': 1000, 'n_simulations': 10, 'gamma': 0.99 } >>> agent_manager = ExperimentManager(..., eval_kwargs=eval_kwargs) >>> # evaluation_results will return 5 values (n_simulations=5) where each value is the Monte-Carlo >>> # evaluation over 10 simulations ((eval_kwargs["n_simulation"])) >>> evaluation_results = agent_manager.eval_agents(n_simulations=5, verbose=True) """ eval_kwargs = eval_kwargs or self.eval_kwargs if not n_simulations: n_simulations = 2 * self.n_fit"Computing {n_simulations} evaluations.") values = [] if verbose: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() > 10: previous_handlers = logger.handlers ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.terminator = "" formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.handlers = [ch]"[INFO] Evaluation:") for ii in range(n_simulations): if agent_id is None: # randomly choose one of the fitted agents agent_idx = self.eval_seeder.rng.choice(len(self.agent_handlers)) else: agent_idx = agent_id agent = self.agent_handlers[agent_idx] if agent.is_empty(): logger.error( "Calling eval() in an ExperimentManager instance contaning an empty AgentHandler." " Returning []." ) return [] # Update eval_kwargs with n_simulations parameter eval_kwargs_with_n_simulations = eval_kwargs.copy() eval_kwargs_with_n_simulations["n_simulations"] = 1 values.append(agent.eval(**eval_kwargs_with_n_simulations)) if verbose: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 10: # If debug logger.debug(f"[eval]... simulation {ii + 1}/{n_simulations}") else:".") if verbose: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() > 10:" Evaluation finished \n") logger.handlers = previous_handlers return values
[docs] def clear_output_dir(self): """Delete output_dir and all its data.""" if self.optuna_study: optuna.delete_study(self.optuna_study.study_name, self.optuna_storage_url) try: shutil.rmtree(self.output_dir_) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning(f"No directory {self.output_dir_} found to be deleted.")
[docs] def clear_handlers(self): """Delete files from output_dir/agent_handlers that are managed by this class.""" for handler in self.agent_handlers: if handler._fname.exists(): handler._fname.unlink()
[docs] def set_writer(self, idx, writer_fn, writer_kwargs=None): """Defines the writer for one of the managed agents. Note ----- Must be called right after creating an instance of ExperimentManager. Parameters ---------- writer_fn : callable, None or 'default' Returns a writer for an agent, e.g. tensorboard SummaryWriter, rlberry DefaultWriter. If 'default', use the default writer in the Agent class. If None, disable any writer writer_kwargs : dict or None kwargs for writer_fn idx : int Index of the agent to set the writer (0 <= idx < `n_fit`). ExperimentManager fits `n_fit` agents, the writer of each one of them needs to be set separetely. """ assert ( idx >= 0 and idx < self.n_fit ), "Invalid index sent to ExperimentManager.set_writer()" writer_kwargs = writer_kwargs or {} self.writers[idx] = (writer_fn, writer_kwargs)
[docs] def generate_profile(self, budget=None, fname=None): """ Do a fit to produce a profile (i.e. the cumulative time spent on each operation done during a fit). The 20 first lines are printed out and the whole profile is saved in a file. See ``_ for more information on python profiler. Parameters ---------- budget: int or None, default=None budget of the fit done to generate the profile fname: string or None, default=None name of the file where we save the profile. If None, the file is saved in self.output_dir/ """ budget = budget or self.fit_budget if self.output_dir is None: output_dir_ = metadata_utils.RLBERRY_TEMP_DATA_DIR else: output_dir_ = self.output_dir filename = fname or (str(output_dir_) + self.agent_name + "")"Doing a profile run.") with cProfile.Profile() as pr: agent = self.agent_class(**(self.init_kwargs[0])), **deepcopy(self.fit_kwargs)) pr.dump_stats(filename) sortby = SortKey.CUMULATIVE ps = pstats.Stats(pr).sort_stats(sortby)"Printing the 20 first lines of the profile") ps.print_stats(20)
[docs] def fit(self, budget=None, **kwargs): """Fit the agent instances in parallel. Parameters ---------- budget: int or None Computational or sample complexity budget. """ del kwargs budget = budget or self.fit_budget # If spawn, test that protected by if __name__ == "__main__" if self.mp_context == "spawn": try: _check_not_importing_main() except RuntimeError as exc: raise RuntimeError( """Warning: in ExperimentManager, if mp_context='spawn' and parallelization="process" then the script must be run outside a notebook and protected by a if __name__ == '__main__': For example: if __name__ == '__main__': xp_manager = ExperimentManager(UCBVIAgent,(Chain, {}), mp_context="spawn", parallelization="process") """ ) from exc f"Running ExperimentManager fit() for {self.agent_name}" f" with n_fit = {self.n_fit} and max_workers = {self.max_workers}." ) seeders = self.seeder.spawn(self.n_fit) if not isinstance(seeders, list): seeders = [seeders] # remove agent instances from memory so that the agent handlers can be # sent to different workers for handler in self.agent_handlers: handler.dump() if self.parallelization == "thread": executor_class = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor lock = threading.Lock() elif self.parallelization == "process": executor_class = functools.partial( concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor, mp_context=multiprocessing.get_context(self.mp_context), ) lock = multiprocessing.Manager().Lock() else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid backend for parallelization: {self.parallelization}" ) args = [ ( lock, handler, self.agent_class, budget, init_kwargs, deepcopy(self.fit_kwargs), writer, self.worker_logging_level, seeder, ) for init_kwargs, handler, seeder, writer in zip( self.init_kwargs, self.agent_handlers, seeders, self.writers ) ] if len(args) == 1: workers_output = [_fit_worker(args[0])] else: with executor_class(max_workers=self.max_workers) as executor: futures = [] for arg in args: futures.append(executor.submit(_fit_worker, arg)) workers_output = [] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): workers_output.append(future.result()) executor.shutdown() workers_output.sort(key=lambda x: self.agent_handlers = workers_output"... trained!") # gather all stats in a dictionary self._gather_default_writer_data()
def _gather_default_writer_data(self): """Gather DefaultWriter data in a dictionary""" self.default_writer_data = {} for ii, agent in enumerate(self.agent_handlers): if not agent.is_empty() and isinstance(agent.writer, DefaultWriter): self.default_writer_data[ii] =
[docs] def save(self): """Save ExperimentManager data to :attr:`~rlberry.manager.experiment_manager.ExperimentManager.output_dir`. Saves object so that the data can be later loaded to recreate an ExperimentManager instance. Returns ------- :class:`pathlib.Path` Filename where the ExperimentManager object was saved. """ # use self.output_dir output_dir = self.output_dir_ output_dir = Path(output_dir) # create dir if it does not exist output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # save optimized hyperparameters if self.best_hyperparams is not None: fname = Path(output_dir) / "best_hyperparams.json" _safe_serialize_json(self.best_hyperparams, fname) # save default_writer_data that can be aggregated in a pandas DataFrame if self.default_writer_data is not None: data_list = [] for idx in self.default_writer_data: df = self.default_writer_data[idx] data_list.append(df) if len(data_list) > 0: all_writer_data = pd.concat(data_list, ignore_index=True) try: output = pd.DataFrame(all_writer_data) # save fname = Path(output_dir) / "data.csv" output.to_csv(fname, index=None) except Exception: logger.warning("Could not save default_writer_data.") # # Pickle ExperimentManager instance # # clear agent handlers for handler in self.agent_handlers: handler.dump() # save filename = Path("manager_obj").with_suffix(".pickle") filename = output_dir / filename filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: with"wb") as ff: pickle.dump(self.__dict__, ff) "Saved ExperimentManager({}) using pickle.".format(self.agent_name) ) except Exception: try: with"wb") as ff: dill.dump(self.__dict__, ff) "Saved ExperimentManager({}) using dill.".format(self.agent_name) ) except Exception as ex: logger.warning( "[ExperimentManager] Instance cannot be pickled: " + str(ex) )"The ExperimentManager was saved in : '" + str(filename) + "'") return filename
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename): """Loads an ExperimentManager instance from a file. Parameters ---------- filename: str or :class:`pathlib.Path` Returns ------- :class:`rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager` Loaded instance of ExperimentManager. """ filename = Path(filename).with_suffix(".pickle") if != "manager_obj.pickle": raise ValueError( "The experiment_manager objects should be save in file named 'manager_obj.pickle'" ) obj = cls(None, None, None) compress_pickle = is_bz_file(filename) try: if not compress_pickle: with"rb") as ff: tmp_dict = pickle.load(ff) else: with bz2.BZ2File(filename, "rb") as ff: tmp_dict = cPickle.load(ff) except Exception as ex: if not compress_pickle: with"rb") as ff: tmp_dict = dill.load(ff) else: with bz2.BZ2File(filename, "rb") as ff: tmp_dict = dill.load(ff) obj.__dict__.clear() obj.__dict__.update(tmp_dict) # If the agent is loaded from an agent pickle, compare versions if "rlberry_version" in obj.__dict__.keys(): if rlberry.__version__ != obj.__dict__["rlberry_version"]: logger.warn( "Loaded an ExperimentManager that was created with an old version of rlberry." ) logger.warn( "Current is " + str(rlberry.__version__) + ", version when constructed was " + str(obj.rlberry_version) + "." ) return obj
def __eq__(self, other): result = True self_init_kwargs = [_strip_seed_dir(kw) for kw in self.init_kwargs] other_init_kwargs = [_strip_seed_dir(kw) for kw in other.init_kwargs] result = result and all( [ self_init_kwargs[f] == other_init_kwargs[f] for f in range(len(self_init_kwargs)) ] ) self_eval_kwargs = self.eval_kwargs or {} other_eval_kwargs = other.eval_kwargs or {} result = result and (self_eval_kwargs == other_eval_kwargs) result = result and (other.agent_class == self.agent_class) result = result and (self.fit_kwargs == other.fit_kwargs) result = result and (self.fit_budget == other.fit_budget) return result
[docs] def optimize_hyperparams( self, n_trials=256, timeout=60, n_fit=2, n_optuna_workers=2, optuna_parallelization="thread", sampler_method="optuna_default", pruner_method="halving", continue_previous=False, fit_fraction=1.0, sampler_kwargs=None, disable_evaluation_writers=True, custom_eval_function=None, ): """Run hyperparameter optimization and updates init_kwargs with the best hyperparameters found. Currently supported sampler_method: 'random' -> Random Search 'optuna_default' -> TPE 'grid' -> Grid Search 'cmaes' -> CMA-ES Currently supported pruner_method: 'none' 'halving' Note ---- * After calling this method, agent handlers from previous calls to fit() will be erased. It is suggested to call fit() *after* a call to optimize_hyperparams(). * This method calls before the optuna optimization starts, to ensure that we can continue the optimization later even if the program is stopped before the optimization is finished. Parameters ---------- n_trials: int Number of agent evaluations timeout: int Stop study after the given number of second(s). Set to None for unlimited time. n_fit: int Number of agents to fit for each hyperparam evaluation. n_optuna_workers: int Number of workers used by optuna for optimization. optuna_parallelization : 'thread' or 'process' Whether to use threads or processes for optuna parallelization. sampler_method : str Optuna sampling method. pruner_method : str Optuna pruner method. continue_previous : bool Set to true to continue previous Optuna study. If true, sampler_method and pruner_method will be the same as in the previous study. fit_fraction : double, in ]0, 1] Fraction of the agent to fit for partial evaluation (allows pruning of trials). sampler_kwargs : dict or None Allows users to use different Optuna samplers with personalized arguments. evaluation_function : callable(agent_list, eval_env, **kwargs)->double, default: None Function to maximize, that takes a list of agents and an environment as input, and returns a double. If None, search for hyperparameters that maximize the mean reward. evaluation_function_kwargs : dict or None kwargs for evaluation_function disable_evaluation_writers : bool, default: True If true, disable writers of agents used in the hyperparameter evaluation. custom_eval_function : Callable Takes as input a list of trained agents and output a scalar. If given, the value of custom_eval_funct(trained_agents) is optimized instead of mean([agent.eval() for agent in trained_agents]). Returns ------- dict Optimized hyperparameters. """ # # setup # TEMP_DIR = self.output_dir_ / "optim" global _OPTUNA_INSTALLED if not _OPTUNA_INSTALLED: logging.error("Optuna not installed.") # pragma: no cover return # pragma: no cover assert fit_fraction > 0.0 and fit_fraction <= 1.0 # # Create optuna study # if continue_previous: assert self.optuna_study is not None study = self.optuna_study else: if sampler_kwargs is None: sampler_kwargs = {} # get sampler if sampler_method == "random": sampler = optuna.samplers.RandomSampler() elif sampler_method == "grid": assert ( sampler_kwargs is not None ), "To use GridSampler, a search_space dictionary must be provided." sampler = optuna.samplers.GridSampler(**sampler_kwargs) elif sampler_method == "cmaes": sampler = optuna.samplers.CmaEsSampler(**sampler_kwargs) elif sampler_method == "optuna_default": sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(**sampler_kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Sampler method %s is not implemented." % sampler_method ) # get pruner if pruner_method == "halving": pruner = optuna.pruners.SuccessiveHalvingPruner( min_resource=1, reduction_factor=4, min_early_stopping_rate=0 ) elif pruner_method == "none": pruner = None else: raise NotImplementedError( "Pruner method %s is not implemented." % pruner_method ) # storage self._init_optuna_storage_url() storage = optuna.storages.RDBStorage(self.optuna_storage_url) # optuna study study = optuna.create_study( sampler=sampler, pruner=pruner, storage=storage, direction="maximize" ) self.optuna_study = study # save, to that optimization can be resumed later # # Objective function # objective = functools.partial( _optuna_objective, base_init_kwargs=self._base_init_kwargs, # self._base_init_kwargs agent_class=self.agent_class, # self.agent_class train_env=self.train_env, # self.train_env eval_env=self._eval_env, fit_budget=self.fit_budget, # self.fit_budget eval_kwargs=self.eval_kwargs, # self.eval_kwargs n_fit=n_fit, temp_dir=TEMP_DIR, # TEMP_DIR disable_evaluation_writers=disable_evaluation_writers, fit_fraction=fit_fraction, init_kwargs_per_instance=self.init_kwargs_per_instance[ :n_fit ], # init_kwargs_per_instance only for the first n_fit instances custom_eval_function=custom_eval_function, thread_shared_data=self.thread_shared_data, ) try: if optuna_parallelization == "thread": with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for _ in range(n_optuna_workers): executor.submit( study.optimize, objective, n_trials=n_trials, timeout=timeout, gc_after_trial=True, ) executor.shutdown() elif optuna_parallelization == "process": with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( mp_context=multiprocessing.get_context(self.mp_context) ) as executor: for _ in range(n_optuna_workers): executor.submit( study.optimize, objective, n_trials=n_trials // n_optuna_workers, timeout=timeout, gc_after_trial=True, ) executor.shutdown() else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value for optuna_parallelization: {optuna_parallelization}." ) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning("Evaluation stopped.") # clear temp folder try: shutil.rmtree(TEMP_DIR) except FileNotFoundError as ex: logger.warning(f"Could not delete {TEMP_DIR}: {ex}") # continue try: best_trial = study.best_trial except ValueError as ex: logger.error(f"Hyperparam optimization failed due to the error: {ex}") return dict()"Number of finished trials: {len(study.trials)}")"Best trial:")"Value: {best_trial.value}")"Params:") for key, value in best_trial.params.items():" {key}: {value}") # store best parameters self.best_hyperparams = best_trial.params # update using best parameters self._base_init_kwargs.update(best_trial.params) # reset init_kwargs and agent handlers, so that they take the new # parameters self._set_init_kwargs() self._reset_agent_handlers() return deepcopy(best_trial.params)
# # Aux functions # def _fit_worker(args): """Create and fit an agent instance""" ( lock, agent_handler, agent_class, fit_budget, init_kwargs, fit_kwargs, writer, worker_logging_level, seeder, ) = args # reseed external libraries set_external_seed(seeder) # logging level in thread configure_logging(worker_logging_level) # Using a lock when creating envs and agents, to avoid problems # as here: with lock: if agent_handler.is_empty(): # create agent agent = agent_class(**init_kwargs) # seed agent # TODO: check if extra reseeding here is necessary agent.reseed(seeder) agent_handler.set_instance(agent) # set writer if writer[0] is None: agent_handler.set_writer(None) elif ( writer[0] != "default" ): # 'default' corresponds to DefaultWriter created by Agent.__init__() writer_fn = writer[0] writer_kwargs = writer[1] agent_handler.set_writer(writer_fn(**writer_kwargs)) if agent_handler.writer._style_log == "progressbar": agent_handler.writer.set_max_global_step(fit_budget) # fit agent, **fit_kwargs) # Remove writer after fit (prevent pickle problems), # unless the agent uses DefaultWriter if not isinstance(agent_handler.writer, DefaultWriter): agent_handler.set_writer(None) if agent_handler.writer._style_log == "progressbar": agent_handler.writer.pbar.close() agent_handler.writer.pbar = None # remove from memory to avoid pickle issues agent_handler.dump() # garbage collector gc.collect() return agent_handler def _safe_serialize_json(obj, filename): """ Source: """ def default(obj): return f"<<non-serializable: {type(obj).__qualname__}>>" with open(filename, "w") as fp: json.dump(obj, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4, default=default) def _optuna_objective( trial, base_init_kwargs, # self._base_init_kwargs agent_class, # self.agent_class train_env, # self.train_env eval_env, fit_budget, # self.fit_budget eval_kwargs, # self.eval_kwargs n_fit, temp_dir, # TEMP_DIR disable_evaluation_writers, fit_fraction, init_kwargs_per_instance, custom_eval_function, thread_shared_data, ): kwargs = deepcopy(base_init_kwargs) # will raise exception if sample_parameters() is not # implemented by the agent class kwargs.update(agent_class.sample_parameters(trial)) # # fit and evaluate agents # # Create ExperimentManager with hyperparams params_stats = ExperimentManager( agent_class, train_env, fit_budget, eval_env=eval_env, init_kwargs=kwargs, # kwargs are being optimized eval_kwargs=deepcopy(eval_kwargs), agent_name="optim", n_fit=n_fit, worker_logging_level="INFO", parallelization="thread", output_dir=temp_dir, enable_tensorboard=False, outdir_id_style="unique", init_kwargs_per_instance=init_kwargs_per_instance, thread_shared_data=thread_shared_data, ) if disable_evaluation_writers: for ii in range(params_stats.n_fit): params_stats.set_writer(ii, None, None) # # Case 1: partial fit, that allows pruning # if fit_fraction < 1.0: fraction_complete = 0.0 step = 0 while fraction_complete < 1.0: # * fit_fraction)) # Evaluate params if not custom_eval_function: eval_value = np.mean(params_stats.eval_agents()) else: eval_value = custom_eval_function(params_stats.get_agent_instances()) # Report intermediate objective value, step) # fraction_complete += fit_fraction step += 1 # # Handle pruning based on the intermediate value. if trial.should_prune(): raise optuna.TrialPruned() # # Case 2: full fit # else: # Fit and evaluate params_stats # Evaluate params if not custom_eval_function: eval_value = np.mean(params_stats.eval_agents()) else: eval_value = custom_eval_function(params_stats.get_agent_instances()) # clear aux data params_stats.clear_output_dir() del params_stats return eval_value def _strip_seed_dir(dico): """Remove keys that should not be compared in __eq__""" res = deepcopy(dico) del res["seeder"] del res["output_dir"] return res def is_bz_file(filepath): with open(filepath, "rb") as test_f: return == b"BZ" def preset_manager(*args, **kwds): """Preset an ExperimentManager to some fixed keywords. Examples -------- >>> from rlberry.agents.torch import PPOAgent, DQNAgent >>> from rlberry.manager import preset_manager >>> from rlberry.envs import Acrobot >>> env_ctor = Acrobot >>> env_kwargs = {} >>> >>> manager_maker = preset_manager(train_env=(env_ctor, env_kwargs), >>> eval_kwargs=dict(eval_horizon=500), >>> n_fit=4, >>> parallelization = "process", >>> mp_context="spawn", >>> seed=42, >>> max_workers=6 >>> ) >>> ppo = manager_maker(PPOAgent, fit_budget = 100) # of type ExperimentManager >>> dqn = manager_maker(DQNAgent, fit_budget = 200) >>> >>> >>> """ class Manager(ExperimentManager): __init__ = functools.partialmethod(ExperimentManager.__init__, *args, **kwds) return Manager