Source code for rlberry.manager.plotting

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from itertools import cycle
import numbers
from scipy.stats import norm
import pandas as pd

from rlberry.manager import read_writer_data

    from skfda.representation.grid import FDataGrid
    from skfda.misc.hat_matrix import NadarayaWatsonHatMatrix
    from skfda.preprocessing.smoothing import KernelSmoother
    from skfda.preprocessing.smoothing.validation import SmoothingParameterSearch


import rlberry

logger = rlberry.logger

[docs]def plot_writer_data( data_source, tag, xtag=None, smooth=False, smoothing_bandwidth=None, id_agent=None, ax=None, error_representation="ci", n_boot=500, level=0.9, sub_sample=True, show=True, preprocess_func=None, title=None, savefig_fname=None, linestyles=False, ): """ Given a list of ExperimentManager or a folder, plot data (corresponding to info) obtained in each episode. The dictionary returned by agents' .fit() method must contain a key equal to `info`. If there are several simulations, a confidence interval is plotted. In all cases a smoothing is performed Parameters ---------- data_source : :class:`~rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager`, or list of :class:`~rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager` or str or list of str - If ExperimentManager or list of ExperimentManager, load data from it (the agents must be fitted). - If str, the string must be the string path of a directory, each subdirectory of this directory must contain pickle files. load the data from the directory of the latest experiment in date. This str should be equal to the value of the `output_dir` parameter in :class:`~rlberry.manager.ExperimentManager`. - If list of str, each string must be a directory containing pickle files load the data from these pickle files. Note: the agent's save function must save its writer at the key `_writer`. This is the default for rlberry agents. tag : str Tag of data to plot on y-axis. xtag : str or None, default=None Tag of data to plot on x-axis. If None, use 'global_step'. Another often-used x-axis is the time elapsed `dw_time_elapsed`, in which case smooth needs to be set to True or there must be only one run. smooth : boolean, default=False Whether to smooth the curve with a Nadaraya-Watson Kernel smoothing. Remark that this also allow for an xtag which is not synchronized on all the simulations (e.g. time for instance). smoothing_bandwidth: float or array of floats or None How to choose the bandwidth parameter. If float, then smoothing_bandwidth is used directly as a bandwidth. If is an array, a parameter search using smoothing_bandwidth is used. If None, a parameter search from a range of 20 possible values choosen by heuristics is performed. id_agent : int or None, default=None id of the agent to plot, if not None plot only the results for the agent whose id is id_agent. ax: matplotlib axis or None, default=None Matplotlib axis on which we plot. If None, create one. Can be used to customize the plot. error_representation: str in {"cb", "raw_curves", "ci", "pi"} How to represent multiple simulations. The "ci" and "pi" do not take into account the need for simultaneous inference, it is then harder to draw conclusion from them than with "cb" and "pb" but they are the most widely used. - "cb" is a confidence band on the mean curve using functional data analysis (band in which the curve is with probability larger than 1-level). - "raw curves" is a plot of the raw curves. - "pi" is a plot of a non-simultaneous prediction interval with gaussian model around the mean smoothed curve (e.g. we do curve plus/minus gaussian quantile times std). - "ci" is a confidence interval on the prediction interval with gaussian model around the mean smoothed curve (e.g. we do curve plus/minus gaussian quantile times std divided by sqrt of number of seeds). n_boot: int, default=500, Number of bootstrap evaluations used for confidence interval estimation. Only used if error_representation = "ci". level: float, default=0.95, Level of the confidence interval. Only used if error_representation = "ci" sub_sample, boolean, default = True, If True, use up to 1000 points for one given seed of one agent to reduce computational cost. show: bool, default=True If True, calls preprocess_func: Callable, default=None Function to apply to 'tag' column before plot. For instance, if tag=episode_rewards, setting preprocess_func=np.cumsum will plot cumulative rewards. If None, do nothing. Warning: this function should return an array of the same size as the input. title: str (Optional) Optional title to plot. If None, set to tag. savefig_fname: str (Optional) Name of the figure in which the plot is saved with figure.savefig. If None, the figure is not saved. linestyles: boolean, default=False Whether to use different linestyles for each curve. Returns ------- Pandas DataFrame with processed data. Examples -------- >>> from rlberry_research.agents.torch import A2CAgent, DQNAgent >>> from rlberry.manager import ExperimentManager, plot_writer_data >>> from rlberry.envs import gym_make >>> >>> if __name__=="__main__": >>> managers = [ ExperimentManager( >>> agent_class, >>> (gym_make, dict(id="CartPole-v1")), >>> fit_budget=4e4, >>> eval_kwargs=dict(eval_horizon=500), >>> n_fit=1, >>> parallelization="process", >>> mp_context="spawn", >>> seed=42, >>> ) for agent_class in [A2CAgent, DQNAgent]] >>> for manager in managers: >>> >>> # We have only one seed (n_fit=1) hence the curves are automatically smoothed >>> data = plot_writer_data(managers, "episode_rewards") """ title = title or tag if preprocess_func is not None: ylabel = "value" else: ylabel = tag processed_df = read_writer_data( data_source, tag, preprocess_func, id_agent=id_agent ) data = processed_df[processed_df["tag"] == tag] if len(data) == 0: logger.error("[plot_writer_data]: No data to be plotted.") return if xtag is None: xtag = "global_step" if data[xtag].notnull().sum() > 0: if data[xtag].isna().sum() > 0: logger.warning( f"Plotting {tag} vs {xtag}, but {xtag} might be missing for some agents." ) else: data[xtag] = data.index data.loc[:, "n_simu"] = data["n_simu"].astype(int) if sub_sample: new_df = pd.DataFrame() for name in data["name"].unique(): n_simu_tot = int(data.loc[data["name"] == name, "n_simu"].max()) + 1 for simu in range(n_simu_tot): df_name_simu = data.loc[ (data["n_simu"] == simu) & (data["name"] == name) ] step = len(df_name_simu) // 1000 if len(df_name_simu) > 0: if step > 1: df_sub = df_name_simu.sort_values(by=xtag).iloc[ ::step ] # do the sub-sampling new_df = pd.concat([new_df, df_sub], ignore_index=True) else: new_df = pd.concat([new_df, df_name_simu], ignore_index=True) data = new_df if ax is None: figure, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) if smooth: plot_smoothed_curves( data[["name", xtag, "value", "n_simu"]], xtag, "value", smoothing_bandwidth, ax, error_representation, n_boot, level, False, None, linestyles, ) else: plot_synchronized_curves( data[["name", xtag, "value", "n_simu"]], xtag, "value", ax, error_representation, level, False, None, linestyles, ) ax.set_xlabel(xtag) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if savefig_fname is not None: plt.gcf().savefig(savefig_fname) if show: return data
def plot_smoothed_curves( data, x, y, smoothing_bandwidth=None, ax=None, error_representation="ci", n_boot=2500, level=0.9, show=True, savefig_fname=None, linestyles=False, ): """ Plot the performances contained in the data (see data parameter to learn what format it should be). If there are several simulations, a confidence interval is plotted. In all cases a smoothing is performed. Parameters ---------- data: a pandas dataframe data must contain the columns "name", "n_simu", an x column and a y column. - "n_simu" contain the simulation number (e.g. the seed) for which the raw is computed (beginning at 0 until the total number of seeds). - "name" is the name of the algorithm for which the raw is computed. - x column is named according to x parameter and contain values to have in x axis. - y column is named according to y parameter and contain values to have in y axis. smoothing_bandwidth: float or array of floats or None How to choose the bandwidth parameter. If float, then smoothing_bandwidth is used directly as a bandwidth and if is an array, a parameter search using smoothing_bandwidth is used if None, a parameter search from a range of 20 possible values choosen by heuristics is performed. ax: matplotlib axis or None, default=None Matplotlib axis on which we plot. If None, create one. Can be used to customize the plot. error_representation: str in {"cb", "raw_curves", "ci", "pi"} How to represent multiple simulations. The "ci" and "pi" do not take into account the need for simultaneous inference, it is then harder to draw conclusion from them than with "cb" but they are the most widely used. - "cb" is a confidence band on the mean curve using functional data analysis (band in which the curve is with probability larger than 1-level). Method from [1], using scikit-fda [2] library. - "raw curves" is a plot of the raw curves. - "pi" is a plot of a non-simultaneous prediction interval with gaussian model around the mean smoothed curve (e.g. we do curve plus/minus gaussian quantile times std). - "ci" is a confidence interval on the prediction interval with gaussian model around the mean smoothed curve (e.g. we do curve plus/minus gaussian quantile times std divided by sqrt of number of seeds). n_boot: int, default=2500, Number of bootstrap evaluations used for confidence interval estimation. Only used if error_representation = "ci". level: float, default=0.95, Level of the confidence (or prediction) interval. Only used if error_representation is not "raw_curves". show: bool, default=True If true, calls savefig_fname: str (Optional) Name of the figure in which the plot is saved with figure.savefig. If None, the figure is not saved. linestyles: boolean, default=False Whether to use different linestyles for each curve. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from rlberry.manager import plot_smoothed_curve >>> df = pd.DataFrame( {"name": ["a", "a", "a"], "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [3, 4, 5], "n_simu": [0, 0, 0]} ) >>> plot_smoothed_curve(df, "x", "y") References ---------- [1] Degras, D. (2017). Simultaneous confidence bands for the mean of functional data. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 9(3), e1397. [2] scikit-fda, Carlos Ramos Carreño, hzzhyj, mellamansanchez, Pablo Marcos, pedrorponga, David del Val, Pablo, David García Fernández, Martín, Miguel Carbajo Berrocal, ElenaPetrunina, Pablo Cuesta Sierra, Rafa Hidalgo, Clément Lejeune, amandaher, dSerna4, ego-thales, pedrog99, Jorge Duque, … Álvaro Castillo. (2023). GAA-UAM/scikit-fda: Version 0.9 (0.9). Zenodo. """ assert ( SKFDA_INSTALLED ), "please install scikit-fda to use the smoothing functionality in rlberry" xlabel = x ylabel = y x_values = data[xlabel].values min_x, max_x = x_values.min(), x_values.max() n_tot_simu = int(data["n_simu"].max()) + 1 if not isinstance(smoothing_bandwidth, numbers.Number): sorted_x = np.sort(np.unique(x_values)) if len(sorted_x) > 200: min_bandwidth_x = (sorted_x[1] - sorted_x[0]) * 3 else: min_bandwidth_x = sorted_x[1] - sorted_x[0] xplot = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, 500, endpoint=True) ax, styles, cmap = _prepare_ax(data, ax, linestyles) def process(df): """ Change shape and smooth the curves contained in the dataset df if necessary. """ # Nadaraya-Watson kernel smoothing # with cross validation bandwidth selection if not isinstance(smoothing_bandwidth, numbers.Number): if smoothing_bandwidth is None: bandwidth = np.linspace(min_bandwidth_x, (max_x - min_x) / 100, 10) else: bandwidth = smoothing_bandwidth nw = SmoothingParameterSearch( KernelSmoother( kernel_estimator=NadarayaWatsonHatMatrix(), output_points=xplot ), bandwidth, param_name="kernel_estimator__bandwidth", ) bw = False else: nw = KernelSmoother( kernel_estimator=NadarayaWatsonHatMatrix(bandwidth=smoothing_bandwidth), output_points=xplot, ) bw = smoothing_bandwidth Xhat = np.zeros([n_tot_simu, len(xplot)]) for f in range(n_tot_simu): X = df_name.loc[df["n_simu"] == f, ylabel].values try: np.isfinite(X) except: raise ValueError("non-finite (or non float) data detected.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(X)): logger.warn( "Some of the values are not finite. Not plotting the associated curves." ) Xhat[f] = np.nan else: X_grid = df_name.loc[df["n_simu"] == f, xlabel].values.astype(float) fd = FDataGrid([X], X_grid, domain_range=((min_x, max_x),)) if bw is False: # Find the smoothing bandwidth once bw = nw.best_params_[ "kernel_estimator__bandwidth" ] # don't search for bandwidth in futur run, reuse else: # after the first one, just apply smoothing with the given smoothing nw = KernelSmoother( kernel_estimator=NadarayaWatsonHatMatrix(bandwidth=bw), output_points=xplot, ) Xhat[f] = nw.transform(fd).data_matrix.ravel() # apply smoothing return Xhat names = np.unique(data["name"]) for id_c, name in enumerate(names): df_name = data.loc[data["name"] == name] Xhat = process(df_name) mu = np.mean(Xhat, axis=0) id_plot = xplot <= np.max(df_name[xlabel]) ax.plot( xplot[id_plot], mu[id_plot], label=name, color=cmap[id_c], linestyle=(0, styles[id_c]), ) if (error_representation == "raw_curves") and (n_tot_simu > 1): for n_simu in range(n_tot_simu): x_simu = df_name.loc[df_name["n_simu"] == n_simu, xlabel].values.astype( float ) y = df_name.loc[df_name["n_simu"] == n_simu, ylabel].values if n_simu == 0: ax.plot(x_simu, y, alpha=0.2, label="raw " + name, color=cmap[id_c]) else: ax.plot(x_simu, y, alpha=0.25, color=cmap[id_c]) elif n_tot_simu > 1: sigma = np.sqrt(np.sum((Xhat - mu) ** 2, axis=0) / (len(Xhat) - 1)) if error_representation == "ci": quantile = norm.ppf(1 - (1 - level) / 2) y_err = quantile * sigma / np.sqrt(n_tot_simu) elif error_representation == "pi": quantile = norm.ppf(1 - (1 - level) / 2) y_err = quantile * sigma elif error_representation == "cb": if n_tot_simu < 1 / (1 - level): logger.warn( "Computing a cb that cannot achieve the level prescribed because there are not enough seeds." ) res = [] # Bootstrap estimation of confidence interval if not (np.all(sigma == 0)): for b in range(n_boot): id_b = ( np.random.choice(n_tot_simu, size=n_tot_simu, replace=True) - 1 ) mustar = np.mean(Xhat[id_b], axis=0) residus = ( np.sqrt(len(xplot[sigma != 0])) / sigma[sigma != 0] * np.abs(mustar[sigma != 0] - mu[sigma != 0]) ) res.append(np.max(residus)) y_err = ( sigma.ravel() / np.sqrt(len(xplot)) * np.quantile(res, 1 - (1 - level) / 2) ) else: y_err = np.zeros(len(xplot)) logger.warn( "The variance of the curve was 0, the confidence bound is very biased" ) else: raise ValueError("error_representation not implemented") ax.fill_between( xplot[id_plot], mu.ravel()[id_plot] - y_err[id_plot], mu.ravel()[id_plot] + y_err[id_plot], alpha=0.25, color=cmap[id_c], ) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) plt.legend() if show: if savefig_fname is not None: plt.gcf().savefig(savefig_fname) return data def plot_synchronized_curves( data, x, y, ax=None, error_representation="pi", level=0.9, show=True, savefig_fname=None, linestyles=False, ): """ Plot the performances contained in the data (see data parameter to learn what format it should be). If there are several simulations, a confidence interval is plotted. In all cases a smoothing is performed Parameters ---------- data: a pandas dataframe data must contain the columns "name", "n_simu", an x column and a y column. - "n_simu" contain the simulation number (e.g. the seed) for which the raw is computed. - "name" is the name of the algorithm for which the raw is computed. - x column is named according to x parameter and contain values to have in x axis. - y column is named according to y parameter and contain values to have in y axis. ax: matplotlib axis or None, default=None Matplotlib axis on which we plot. If None, create one. Can be used to customize the plot. error_representation: str in {"raw_curves", "ci", "pi"}, default="pi" How to represent multiple simulations. - "raw curves" is a plot of the raw curves. - "pi" is a plot of a non-simultaneous prediction interval with gaussian model around the mean curve (e.g. we do curve plus/minus gaussian quantile times std). - "ci" is a confidence interval on the prediction interval with gaussian model around the mean curve (e.g. we do curve plus/minus gaussian quantile times std divided by sqrt of number of seeds). level: float, default=0.95, Level of the confidence (or prediction) interval. Only used if error_representation is not "raw_curves". show: bool, default=True If true, calls savefig_fname: str (Optional) Name of the figure in which the plot is saved with figure.savefig. If None, the figure is not saved. linestyles: boolean, default=False Whether to use different linestyles for each curve. References ---------- [1] Degras, D. (2017). Simultaneous confidence bands for the mean of functional data. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 9(3), e1397. [2] scikit-fda, Carlos Ramos Carreño, hzzhyj, mellamansanchez, Pablo Marcos, pedrorponga, David del Val, Pablo, David García Fernández, Martín, Miguel Carbajo Berrocal, ElenaPetrunina, Pablo Cuesta Sierra, Rafa Hidalgo, Clément Lejeune, amandaher, dSerna4, ego-thales, pedrog99, Jorge Duque, … Álvaro Castillo. (2023). GAA-UAM/scikit-fda: Version 0.9 (0.9). Zenodo. """ xlabel = x ylabel = y assert len(data) > 0, "dataset is empty" n_tot_simu = int(data["n_simu"].max()) # check that every simulation have the same xs or truncate processed_df = pd.DataFrame() for name in np.unique(data["name"]): df_name = data.loc[data["name"] == name] x_simu_0 = df_name.loc[df_name["n_simu"] == 0, xlabel].values.astype(float) for n_simu in range(1, int(n_tot_simu)): x_simu = df_name.loc[df_name["n_simu"] == n_simu, xlabel].values.astype( float ) if len(x_simu) != len(x_simu_0): logger.warn("x axis is not the same for all the runs, truncating.") x_simu_0 = np.intersect1d(x_simu_0, x_simu) df_name = df_name.loc[df_name[xlabel].apply(lambda x: x in x_simu_0)] assert ( len(df_name) > 0 ), "x_axis are incompatible across runs, you should use smoothing" processed_df = pd.concat([processed_df, df_name], ignore_index=True) data = processed_df ax, styles, cmap = _prepare_ax(data, ax, linestyles) names = np.unique(data["name"]) for id_c, name in enumerate(names): df_name = data.loc[data["name"] == name, [xlabel, ylabel, "n_simu"]] x_plot = df_name.loc[df_name["n_simu"] == 0, xlabel].values.astype(float) y_mean = ( df_name[[xlabel, ylabel]] .groupby([xlabel]) .mean() .values.astype(float) .ravel() ) y_std = ( df_name[[xlabel, ylabel]] .groupby([xlabel]) .std() .values.astype(float) .ravel() ) quantile = norm.ppf(1 - (1 - level) / 2) ax.plot(x_plot, y_mean, color=cmap[id_c], label=name) if error_representation in ["ci", "pi"]: if error_representation == "pi": y_err = quantile * y_std else: y_err = quantile * y_std / np.sqrt(n_tot_simu) ax.fill_between( x_plot, y_mean - y_err, y_mean + y_err, alpha=0.25, color=cmap[id_c], ) elif error_representation == "raw_curves": for n_simu in range(n_tot_simu): x_simu = df_name.loc[df_name["n_simu"] == n_simu, xlabel].values.astype( float ) y = df_name.loc[df_name["n_simu"] == n_simu, ylabel].values if n_simu == 0: ax.plot(x_simu, y, alpha=0.2, color=cmap[id_c]) else: ax.plot(x_simu, y, alpha=0.25, color=cmap[id_c]) else: raise ValueError( "Error representation {} not known for non-smoothed plots".format( error_representation ) ) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) plt.legend() if show: if savefig_fname is not None: plt.gcf().savefig(savefig_fname) return data def _prepare_ax(data, ax, linestyles): if ax is None: figure, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Customizing linestyle if linestyles: # Number of unique dash styles. Default: 4 styles max. linestyles = ["", (1, 1), (5, 5), (1, 5, 3, 5)] # Cycle through default linestyles. dash_cycler = cycle(linestyles) styles = [next(dash_cycler) for _ in range(data["name"].unique().size)] else: styles = [() for _ in range(data["name"].unique().size)] n_tot_simu = int(data["n_simu"].max()) names = data["name"].unique() if len(names) <= 10: cmap =[: len(names)] else: cmap = [ / len(names)) for i in range(len(names))] return ax, styles, cmap