Source code for rlberry_scool.agents.linear.lsvi_ucb

import numpy as np
from rlberry.agents import AgentWithSimplePolicy
from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete

import rlberry

logger = rlberry.logger

def run_lsvi(
    Least-Squares Value Iteration.

    dim : int
        Dimension of the features
    horiton : int

    bonus_factor : int

    lambda_mat_inv : numpy array (dim, dim)
        Inverse of the design matrix

    reward_hist : numpy array (time,)

    gamma : double

    feat_hist : numpy array (time, dim)

    n_actions : int

    feat_ns_all_actions : numpy array (time, n_actions, dim)
        History of next state features for all actions

    vmax : double
        Maximum value of the value function

    total_time_steps : int
        Current step count
    # run value iteration
    q_w = np.zeros((horizon + 1, dim))
    for hh in range(horizon - 1, -1, -1):
        T = total_time_steps
        b = np.zeros(dim)
        for tt in range(T):
            # compute q function at next state, q_ns
            q_ns = np.zeros(n_actions)
            for aa in range(n_actions):
                feat_ns_aa = feat_ns_all_actions[tt, aa, :]
                inverse_counts =
                bonus = bonus_factor * np.sqrt(
                ) + v_max * inverse_counts * (bonus_factor > 0.0)
                q_ns[aa] =[hh + 1, :]) + bonus
                q_ns[aa] = min(q_ns[aa], v_max)

            # compute regretion targets
            target = reward_hist[tt] + gamma * q_ns.max()
            feat = feat_hist[tt, :]
            b = b + target * feat

        # solve M x = b, where x = q_w, and M = self.lambda_mat
        q_w[hh, :] = lambda_mat_inv.T @ b
    return q_w

[docs]class LSVIUCBAgent(AgentWithSimplePolicy): """ A version of Least-Squares Value Iteration with UCB (LSVI-UCB), proposed by Jin et al. (2020). If bonus_scale_factor is 0.0, performs random exploration. Notes ----- The computation of exploration bonuses was adapted to match the "simplified Bernstein" bonuses that works well empirically for UCBVI in the tabular case. The transition probabilities are assumed to be *independent* of the timestep h. Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model of an environment. horizon : int Maximum length of each episode. feature_map_fn : function(env, kwargs) Function that returns a feature map instance (rlberry.agents.features.FeatureMap class). feature_map_kwargs: kwargs for feature_map_fn gamma : double Discount factor. bonus_scale_factor : double Constant by which to multiply the exploration bonus. reg_factor : double Linear regression regularization factor. **kwargs : Keyword Arguments Arguments to be passed to `AgentWithSimplePolicy.__init__(self, env, **kwargs)` (:class:`~rlberry.agents.AgentWithSimplePolicy`). References ---------- Jin, C., Yang, Z., Wang, Z., & Jordan, M. I. (2020, July). Provably efficient reinforcement learning with linear function approximation. In Conference on Learning Theory (pp. 2137-2143). """ name = "LSVI-UCB" def __init__( self, env, horizon, feature_map_fn, feature_map_kwargs=None, gamma=0.99, bonus_scale_factor=1.0, reg_factor=0.1, **kwargs ): AgentWithSimplePolicy.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.n_episodes = None self.horizon = horizon self.gamma = gamma self.bonus_scale_factor = bonus_scale_factor self.reg_factor = reg_factor feature_map_kwargs = feature_map_kwargs or {} self.feature_map = feature_map_fn(self.env, **feature_map_kwargs) # if self.bonus_scale_factor == 0.0: = "LSVI-Random-Expl" # maximum value r_range = self.env.reward_range[1] - self.env.reward_range[0] if r_range == np.inf: logger.warning( "{}: Reward range is infinity. ".format( + "Clipping it to 1." ) r_range = 1.0 if self.gamma == 1.0: self.v_max = r_range * horizon else: self.v_max = ( r_range * (1.0 - np.power(self.gamma, self.horizon)) / (1.0 - self.gamma) ) # assert isinstance( self.env.action_space, Discrete ), "LSVI-UCB requires discrete actions." # assert len(self.feature_map.shape) == 1 self.dim = self.feature_map.shape[0] # attributes initialized in reset() self.episode = None self.lambda_mat = None # lambda matrix self.lambda_mat_inv = None # inverse of lambda matrix self.w_vec = None # vector representation of Q self.w_policy = None # representation of Q for final policy self.reward_hist = None # reward history self.state_hist = None # state history self.action_hist = None # action history self.nstate_hist = None # next state history self.feat_hist = None # feature history self.feat_ns_all_actions = None # next state features for all actions # # aux variables (init in reset() too) self._rewards = None def reset(self): self.episode = 0 self.total_time_steps = 0 self.lambda_mat = self.reg_factor * np.eye(self.dim) self.lambda_mat_inv = (1.0 / self.reg_factor) * np.eye(self.dim) self.w_vec = np.zeros((self.horizon + 1, self.dim)) self.reward_hist = np.zeros(self.n_episodes * self.horizon) self.state_hist = [] self.action_hist = [] self.nstate_hist = [] # episode rewards self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # self.feat_hist = np.zeros((self.n_episodes * self.horizon, self.dim)) self.feat_ns_all_actions = np.zeros( (self.n_episodes * self.horizon, self.env.action_space.n, self.dim) ) # self.w_policy = None
[docs] def fit(self, budget, **kwargs): """ Train the agent using the provided environment. Parameters ---------- budget: int number of episodes. Each episode runs for self.horizon unless it enconters a terminal state in which case it stops early. Warning: Calling fit() more than once will reset the algorithm (to realocate memory according to the number of episodes) **kwargs : Keyword Arguments Extra arguments. Not used for this agent. """ del kwargs # Allocate memory according to budget. # TODO: avoid the need to reset() the algorithm if fit() is called again. if self.n_episodes is not None: logger.warning( "[LSVI-UCB]: Calling fit() more than once will reset the algorithm" + " (to realocate memory according to the number of episodes)." ) self.n_episodes = budget self.reset() for ep in range(self.n_episodes): self.run_episode() if self.bonus_scale_factor > 0.0 or ep == self.n_episodes - 1: # update Q function representation self.w_vec = self._run_lsvi(self.bonus_scale_factor) self.w_policy = self._run_lsvi(bonus_factor=0.0)[0, :]
[docs] def policy(self, observation): q_w = self.w_policy assert q_w is not None # q_vec = self._compute_q_vec(q_w, observation, 0.0) return q_vec.argmax()
def _optimistic_policy(self, observation, hh): q_w = self.w_vec[hh, :] q_vec = self._compute_q_vec(q_w, observation, self.bonus_scale_factor) return q_vec.argmax() def run_episode(self): observation, info = self.env.reset() episode_rewards = 0 for hh in range(self.horizon): if self.bonus_scale_factor == 0.0: action = self.env.action_space.sample() else: action = self._optimistic_policy(observation, hh) next_observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.env.step( action ) done = terminated or truncated feat =, action) outer_prod = np.outer(feat, feat) inv = self.lambda_mat_inv # self.lambda_mat += np.outer(feat, feat) # update inverse self.lambda_mat_inv -= (inv @ outer_prod @ inv) / (1 + feat @ inv.T @ feat) # update history self.reward_hist[self.total_time_steps] = reward self.state_hist.append(observation) self.action_hist.append(action) self.nstate_hist.append(next_observation) # tt = self.total_time_steps self.feat_hist[tt, :] =, action) for aa in range(self.env.action_space.n): self.feat_ns_all_actions[tt, aa, :] = next_observation, aa ) # increments self.total_time_steps += 1 episode_rewards += reward # observation = next_observation if done: break # store data self._rewards[self.episode] = episode_rewards # update ep self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode_rewards", episode_rewards, self.episode) return episode_rewards def _compute_q(self, q_w, state, action, bonus_factor): """q_w is the vector representation of the Q function.""" feat =, action) inverse_counts = feat @ (self.lambda_mat_inv.T @ feat) bonus = bonus_factor * np.sqrt(inverse_counts) + self.v_max * inverse_counts * ( bonus_factor > 0.0 ) q = + bonus return q def _compute_q_vec(self, q_w, state, bonus_factor): A = self.env.action_space.n q_vec = np.zeros(A) for aa in range(A): # q_vec[aa] = self._compute_q(q_w, state, aa, bonus_factor) feat =, aa) inverse_counts = feat @ (self.lambda_mat_inv.T @ feat) bonus = bonus_factor * np.sqrt( inverse_counts ) + self.v_max * inverse_counts * (bonus_factor > 0.0) q_vec[aa] = + bonus # q_vec[aa] = min(q_vec[aa], self.v_max) # !!!!!!!!! return q_vec def _run_lsvi(self, bonus_factor): # run value iteration q_w = run_lsvi( self.dim, self.horizon, bonus_factor, self.lambda_mat_inv, self.reward_hist, self.gamma, self.feat_hist, self.env.action_space.n, self.feat_ns_all_actions, self.v_max, self.total_time_steps, ) return q_w