Source code for rlberry_scool.envs.finite.chain

import numpy as np

from rlberry.envs.finite_mdp import FiniteMDP
from rlberry.rendering import RenderInterface2D, Scene, GeometricPrimitive

[docs]class Chain(RenderInterface2D, FiniteMDP): """ Simple chain environment. Reward 0.05 in initial state, reward 1.0 in final state. Parameters ---------- L : int length of the chain fail_prob : double fail probability """ name = "Chain" def __init__(self, L=5, fail_prob=0.1): assert L >= 2 self.L = L self.fail_prob = fail_prob # transition probabilities P = np.zeros((L, 2, L)) for ss in range(L): for _ in range(2): if ss == 0: P[ss, 0, ss] = 1.0 - fail_prob # action 0 = don't move P[ss, 1, ss + 1] = 1.0 - fail_prob # action 1 = right P[ss, 0, ss + 1] = fail_prob P[ss, 1, ss] = fail_prob elif ss == L - 1: P[ss, 0, ss - 1] = 1.0 - fail_prob # action 0 = left P[ss, 1, ss] = 1.0 - fail_prob # action 1 = don't move P[ss, 0, ss] = fail_prob P[ss, 1, ss - 1] = fail_prob else: P[ss, 0, ss - 1] = 1.0 - fail_prob # action 0 = left P[ss, 1, ss + 1] = 1.0 - fail_prob # action 1 = right P[ss, 0, ss + 1] = fail_prob P[ss, 1, ss - 1] = fail_prob # mean reward S = L A = 2 R = np.zeros((S, A)) R[L - 1, :] = 1.0 R[0, :] = 0.05 # init base classes FiniteMDP.__init__(self, R, P, initial_state_distribution=0) RenderInterface2D.__init__(self) self.reward_range = (0.0, 1.0) # rendering info self.set_clipping_area((0, L, 0, 1)) self.set_refresh_interval(100) # in milliseconds
[docs] def step(self, action): assert action in self._actions, "Invalid action!" # save state for rendering if self.is_render_enabled(): self.append_state_for_rendering(self.state) # take step next_state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.sample( self.state, action ) self.state = next_state return next_state, reward, terminated, truncated, info
# # Code for rendering #
[docs] def get_background(self): """ Returne a scene (list of shapes) representing the background """ bg = Scene() colors = [(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), (0.9, 0.9, 0.9)] for ii in range(self.L): shape = GeometricPrimitive("QUADS") shape.add_vertex((ii, 0)) shape.add_vertex((ii + 1, 0)) shape.add_vertex((ii + 1, 1)) shape.add_vertex((ii, 1)) shape.set_color(colors[ii % 2]) bg.add_shape(shape) flag = GeometricPrimitive("TRIANGLES") flag.set_color((0.0, 0.5, 0.0)) x = self.L - 0.5 y = 0.25 flag.add_vertex((x, y)) flag.add_vertex((x + 0.25, y + 0.5)) flag.add_vertex((x - 0.25, y + 0.5)) bg.add_shape(flag) return bg
[docs] def get_scene(self, state): """ Return scene (list of shapes) representing a given state """ scene = Scene() agent = GeometricPrimitive("QUADS") agent.set_color((0.75, 0.0, 0.5)) size = 0.25 x = state + 0.5 y = 0.5 agent.add_vertex((x - size / 4.0, y - size)) agent.add_vertex((x + size / 4.0, y - size)) agent.add_vertex((x + size / 4.0, y + size)) agent.add_vertex((x - size / 4.0, y + size)) agent.add_vertex((x - size, y - size / 4.0)) agent.add_vertex((x + size, y - size / 4.0)) agent.add_vertex((x + size, y + size / 4.0)) agent.add_vertex((x - size, y + size / 4.0)) scene.add_shape(agent) return scene