
class rlberry.spaces.MultiDiscrete(nvec, dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>)[source]

Bases: MultiDiscrete

Inherited from gymnasium.spaces.MultiDiscrete for compatibility with gym.

rlberry wraps gym.spaces to make sure the seeding mechanism is unified in the library (rlberry.seeding)


random number generator provided by rlberry.seeding



get new random number generator

contains(x: Any) bool[source]

Return boolean specifying if x is a valid member of this space.

from_jsonable(sample_n: list[Sequence[int]]) list[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.integer[Any]]]][source]

Convert a JSONable data type to a batch of samples from this space.

property is_np_flattenable

Checks whether this space can be flattened to a spaces.Box.

property np_random: Generator

Lazily seed the PRNG since this is expensive and only needed if sampling from this space.

As seed() is not guaranteed to set the _np_random for particular seeds. We add a check after seed() to set a new random number generator.


Get new random number generator.

seed_seqnp.random.SeedSequence, rlberry.seeding.Seeder or int, defaultNone

Seed sequence from which to spawn the random number generator. If None, generate random seed. If int, use as entropy for SeedSequence. If seeder, use seeder.seed_seq


Generates a single random sample this space.

mask: An optional mask for multi-discrete, expects tuples with a np.ndarray mask in the position of each

action with shape (n,) where n is the number of actions and dtype=np.int8. Only mask values == 1 are possible to sample unless all mask values for an action are 0 then the default action self.start (the smallest element) is sampled.


An np.ndarray of shape space.shape

seed(seed: int | None = None) list[int]

Seed the PRNG of this space and possibly the PRNGs of subspaces.

property shape: tuple[int, ...]

Has stricter type than gym.Space - never None.

to_jsonable(sample_n: Sequence[ndarray[Any, dtype[integer[Any]]]]) list[Sequence[int]][source]

Convert a batch of samples from this space to a JSONable data type.