rlberry API


Main classes

manager.ExperimentManager(agent_class[, ...])

Class to train, optimize hyperparameters, evaluate and gather statistics about an agent.

manager.MultipleManagers([max_workers, ...])

Class to fit multiple ExperimentManager instances in parallel with multiple threads.

Evaluation and plot

manager.AdastopComparator([n, K, B, ...])

Compare sequentially agents, with possible early stopping.


Evaluate and compare each of the agents in experiment_manager_list.

manager.read_writer_data(data_source[, ...])

Given a list of ExperimentManager or a folder, read data (corresponding to info) obtained in each episode.

manager.plot_writer_data(data_source, tag[, ...])

Given a list of ExperimentManager or a folder, plot data (corresponding to info) obtained in each episode.

manager.plot_smoothed_curves(data, x, y[, ...])

Plot the performances contained in the data (see data parameter to learn what format it should be).

manager.plot_synchronized_curves(data, x, y)

Plot the performances contained in the data (see data parameter to learn what format it should be).

manager.compare_agents(agent_source[, ...])

Compare several trained agents using the mean over n_simulations evaluations for each agent.


Base classes

agents.Agent([env, eval_env, copy_env, ...])

Basic interface for agents.

agents.AgentWithSimplePolicy([env, ...])

Interface for agents whose policy is a function of observations only.

Agent importation tools


Wraps an StableBaselines3 Algorithm with a rlberry Agent.


Base class


Base class for an environment model.

envs.basewrapper.Wrapper(env[, wrap_spaces])

Wraps a given environment, similar to OpenAI gym's wrapper [1,2] (now updated to gymnasium).



Class that represents discrete spaces.

spaces.Box(low, high[, shape, dtype])

Class that represents a space that is a cartesian product in R^n:


Inherited from gymnasium.spaces.Tuple for compatibility with gym.

spaces.MultiDiscrete(nvec[, dtype])

Inherited from gymnasium.spaces.MultiDiscrete for compatibility with gym.


Inherited from gymnasium.spaces.MultiBinary for compatibility with gym.


Inherited from gymnasium.spaces.Dict for compatibility with gym.

Environment tools

envs.gym_make(id[, wrap_spaces])

Same as gym.make, but wraps the environment to ensure unified seeding with rlberry.

envs.atari_make(id[, seed])

Adaptor to manage Atari Env

envs.PipelineEnv(env_ctor, env_kwargs, wrappers)

Environment defined as a pipeline of wrappers and an environment to wrap.


seeding.seeder.Seeder([seed_seq, spawn_seed_seq])

Base class to define objects that use random number generators.

seeding.safe_reseed(obj, seeder[, reseed_spaces])

Calls obj.reseed(seed_seq) method if available; If a obj.seed() method is available, call obj.seed(seed_val), where seed_val is generated by the seeder.


Set seeds of external libraries.

Utilities, Logging & Typing

Manager Utilitis

manager.preset_manager(*args, **kwds)

Preset an ExperimentManager to some fixed keywords.

Virtual environment Utilities

manager.with_venv([import_libs, ...])

Decorator to run the script in a function using a virtual environment.

manager.run_venv_xp([venv_dir_name, verbose])

Function to launch experiments in the current script file in virtual environments.

Writer Utilities

utils.writers.DefaultWriter(name[, ...])

Default writer to be used by the agents, optionally wraps an instance of tensorboard.SummaryWriter.

agents.utils.replay.ReplayBuffer(...[, ...])

Replay buffer that allows sampling data with shape (batch_size, time_size, ...).

Check Utilities

utils.check_rl_agent(agent[, env, init_kwargs])

Check ExperimentManager compatibility and check reproducibility/seeding.


Check that the environment is (almost) gym-compatible and that it is reproducible in the sense that it returns the same states when given the same seed.

utils.check_save_load(agent[, env, init_kwargs])

utils.check_fit_additive(agent[, env, ...])

Check that fitting two times with 10 fit budget is the same as fitting one time with 20 fit budget.

utils.check_seeding_agent(agent[, env, ...])

Check that the agent is reproducible.

utils.check_experiment_manager(agent[, env, ...])

Check that the agent is compatible with ExperimentManager.

Logging Utilities


Set rlberry's logger level.

Environment Wrappers


Discretize an environment with continuous states and discrete actions.


Allow to use old gym env (V0.21) with rlberry (gymnasium).

wrappers.RescaleRewardWrapper(env, reward_range)

Rescale the reward function to a bounded range.