A demo of Bandit BAI on a real dataset to select mirrors

In this exemple we use a sequential halving agent to find the best server to download ubuntu from among a choice of 8 french servers.

The quirck of this application is that there is a possible timeout when pinging a server. We handle this by using the median instead of the mean in sequential halving’s objective.

The code is in three parts: definition of environment, definition of agent, and finally definition of the experiment.

plot mirror bandit
[INFO] 07:05:        agent_name  worker  reward  action  max_global_step
                         SH        0     -0.336    6           8
[INFO] 07:05:        agent_name  worker  reward  action  max_global_step
                         SH        0     -0.338    4           22
[INFO] 07:05:        agent_name  worker  reward  action  max_global_step
                         SH        0     -0.171    4           38
[INFO] 07:05:        agent_name  worker  reward  action  max_global_step
                         SH        0     -0.166    6           56
[INFO] 07:05:        agent_name  worker  reward  action  max_global_step
                         SH        0     -0.166    7           74
[INFO] 07:05:        agent_name  worker  reward  action  max_global_step
                         SH        0     -0.165    7           92
[INFO] 07:05: ... trained!
[INFO] 07:05: Saved ExperimentManager(SH) using pickle.
[INFO] 07:05: The ExperimentManager was saved in : 'rlberry_data/temp/manager_data/SH_2024-07-19_07-04-58_d4ee6920/manager_obj.pickle'
The optimal action (fastest server) is server number  7

import numpy as np

from rlberry.manager import ExperimentManager, read_writer_data
from rlberry.envs.interface import Model
from rlberry_research.agents.bandits import BanditWithSimplePolicy
import rlberry.spaces as spaces

import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import rlberry

logger = rlberry.logger

# Environment definition


mirrors_ubuntu = np.array(

def get_time(url):
        resp = requests.get(url, timeout=TIMEOUT)
        return resp.elapsed.total_seconds()
        return np.inf  # timeout

class MirrorBandit(Model):
    Real environment for bandit problems.
    The reward is the response time for French servers meant to download ubuntu.

    On action i, gives a negative waiting time to reach url i in mirror_ubuntu.

    WARNING : if there is a timeout when querying the mirror, will result in
    a negative infinite reward.

    url_ids : list of int or None,
        list of ids used to select a subset of the url list provided in the source.
        if None, all the urls are selected (i.e. 8 arms bandits).

    name = "MirrorEnv"

    def __init__(self, url_ids=None, **kwargs):
        Model.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        if url_ids:
            self.url_list = mirrors_ubuntu[url_ids]
            self.url_list = mirrors_ubuntu

        self.n_arms = len(self.url_list)
        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_arms)

    def step(self, action):
        Sample the reward associated to the action.
        # test that the action exists
        assert action < self.n_arms

        reward = -get_time(self.url_list[action])
        terminated = True
        truncated = False
        return 0, reward, terminated, truncated, {}

    def reset(self, seed=None):
        Reset the environment to a default state.
        return 0, {}

env_ctor = MirrorBandit
env_kwargs = {}

# BAI Agent definition

class SeqHalvAgent(BanditWithSimplePolicy):
    Sequential Halving Agent

    name = "SeqHalvAgent"

    def __init__(self, env, **kwargs):
            self, env, writer_extra="action_and_reward", **kwargs

    def fit(self, budget=None, **kwargs):
        horizon = budget
        rewards = []
        actions = []
        active_set = np.arange(self.n_arms)

        logk = int(np.ceil(np.log2(self.n_arms)))
        ep = 0

        for r in range(logk):
            tr = np.floor(horizon / (len(active_set) * logk))
            for _ in range(int(tr)):
                for k in active_set:
                    action = k
                    actions += [action]
                    observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.env.step(
                    rewards += [reward]
                    ep += 1
            reward_est = [
                np.median(np.array(rewards)[actions == k]) for k in active_set
            # We estimate the reward using the median instead of the mean to
            # handle timeout.
            half_len = int(np.ceil(len(active_set) / 2))
            active_set = active_set[np.argsort(reward_est)[-half_len:]]

        self.optimal_action = active_set[0]
        self.writer.add_scalar("optimal_action", self.optimal_action, ep)

        return actions

# Experiment

xp_manager = ExperimentManager(
    (env_ctor, env_kwargs),
    fit_budget=100,  # we use only 100 iterations for faster example run in doc.

rewards = read_writer_data([xp_manager], preprocess_tag="reward")["value"]
actions = read_writer_data([xp_manager], preprocess_tag="action")["value"]

plt.boxplot([-rewards[actions == a] for a in range(6)])
plt.ylabel("Waiting time (in s)")

    "The optimal action (fastest server) is server number ",
    xp_manager.agent_handlers[0].optimal_action + 1,

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 19.780 seconds)

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